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loved her so much i could not do anything

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: my room
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

will i love my girlfirend for real , i cant made her do anything , even some time she said she want to but i can feel the scare in her heart so i saod no , anyway she is 16 and am 17 both virgins and inn love since we were 6 ,she is a top modle with hazel eyes , anyway we have never done anything beside kissing and some make out but bothing is for real, on night she called me and told me that she want me , her sound sound like she was crying, i told her i’ll pick her up to come over she said ok, i went there waiting out side her door she opend the door with her watered eyes i said hi honey she began to cry, i hugged her , kissed her forhead and walked to the car, i didnt want to ask her whats wrong, cuz she was craying crazy so i waited till she was calm , when we got to my house we get to my room i asked r u ok? she said no. i asked whats worng?? she looked at me and said : my brother died in accedent. will i did not know what to do, her brother is a friend of mine so i just hold her and hold my self of crying,anyway i got down to the kitchen and put some pills in water to make her sleep cuz she wont listen to have a pill anyway i called her family told them she would stay inn for couble of days they said ok, i went up give her the water and she was still crying, till now we spend 7 hours on her crying, its alomst dark out side she said she want to go home , i told her that i called her family and they agree for her to stay in my house, she nodded her head rolled on her self crying i moved the covers and get her in with me tryed to get her out of roll,then after a while she was a sleep, will thats good, i called the dr asking him to come and chek on her, when he arrive he give her a shot helping her to relax anyway this was the firs week she spend in my house and that made things get better between us, month later she was a little over what happend with her and she was like okay to saty in my place so one night i told her to sleepover she said ok, i was hidding a plane, so when we were in my room i began to kiss her this time she was kissing back nice move baby, anyway i made her stand up i hugged her to feel her as much as i could i kissed her forhead and i know it was the time,i throw her in the bed and began to make out after along we were both naked and i can feel her heratbeat hard, i told her to relax i wont hurt her she know that i love her, anyway i know that she is weak and she might try to run away , so i have to be tricky,i had her on her face and get lotion to massage her back, she began to feel comfortable anyway i sat on her legs so she wont move and pure the lotion on her butt and with my hand made it in to her pussy, i tryed to get my finger in but she was so tight she wont relax, will i turned her to her face with her legs under me to make sure she wont run , and in the same time i dont want to do anything she dont want to do so i let go her legs and open them a part and tryed to finger her a little i looked at her in the eyes and i know she was ready, i kept on fingering her till she couldnt hold it anymore she was so wet i got the lotion again and fill aroud her pussy making sure that they way will be easy, then i palsed my cock at the entrce and lend down wisheber in her ear, just relax and kissed her lips she was looking down i westile she smiled i told her look at me, but she kept looking down i had not choose but to hug her harg so couldnt see i dont want her to be worried so i hugged her hard and kissed her lips and talked to her then i tryed to go in but she get her legs close it hurt her i told her :plz help me and help ur self. i told her to prmise me not to cry and she did , then i made her lied back and i opend her legs as much as i could and tryed to enter her again this time i was holding her legs so she could not close them she was trying to close her legs but i hold them a part then i pushed more and i was in with some more puhses i was all the way in she was eyes close and not moving i wend down on her let go her legs and kissed her asking her if she was alright? she opend her eyes a little and smile, i kissed her nose, and smile , i picked up and start to move in and out and she began to relax, i knew that she will be happy, i could see that she is ready, more trusts flips over and over me ontop her ontop side by side about an houre and we were both cumming i was on top and i coulding hold my self i tryed not to fall on her and falled by her and hugged her telling her ” ur a super girl on ur promise ur so good love u more than ever” we were so sleepy we couldnot open our eyes i get the blanket and put it over us and we slept for long time till the next morning she woke up kisses me thanked me to do it she said ” u know i will never do it” i said ” i know u . u never give up ” we both laughed
both are happy both gald that we did it
looooooooove u girl soooooo much….. (peter)

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