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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: my bedroom
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Boy, do I ever remember my first time. Kind of a rough beginning to say the least. It was with my boyfriend at the time and in my own bed. Mom and dad were away for the weekend and took my little brother with them. I’d promiced them that Joe wouldn’t be over. Well, I was wrong.

It started out in our living room. We were watching TV and started making out. Next thing I knew, Joe was pressing his hard cock against me. I started playing with it there in his shorts and Joe then went to rubbing on my pussy through my shorts and feeling my legs. He got me so hot. He then suggested that we go to my bedroom to continue. We got up and laid on my bed. The next thing I knew we both had our shorts off. Joe then showed me a condom that he had in his pocket and he ask “want me to use this”? In other words, want to “do it”. I was so aroused that I said “OK”. Joe pulled off his undies and rolled it on his cock. He then laid down between my legs kissing them as he came up and he pulled off my panties. He then got on top of me and I could feel his cock poking around my pussy trying to get in. He finally found the hole and he was so excited about getting in me that he pushed real hard. The pain caused me to scream. He was so rough and literally went all the way in with one big push. He then went to thrusting in and out of me real hard. I wasn’t enjoying this at all. Then, thank goodness, it was over. Luckly, Joe was so aroused that he didn’t last but maybe 15 seconds and he got real rigid, let out a loud grown and then several grunts. I knew he was cumming. He then pulled out of me and he showed me his condom covered cock wanting me to see all the cum he’d shot into it. I really wasn’t interested after what he had just done to me and I thought to myself “I’m glad you enjoyed it”.

Well, later that evening, Joe wanted do it again. He came up to me with his fore finger and thumb squeezing his cock through his pants showing me how big and hard he was again. I told him “no way!”. Anyway, that was my first time and it was also Joe’s first and last time with me. My next boyfriend was very gentle with me and I too came when we did it. This was more like it.

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