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mad dog

Age when it happend: 30
Where it happened: home
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I considered myself very lucky, Married living with my mother-in-law. we all get along very well living together.
My wife works night, mom- in- law and I are alone everynight. My wife was in the hosptial the first time it
happen, I was always naked at home in front of my mom-in-law, most of the time my penis with a hard-on.
One afternoon, took my shower was naked in the family
room, my mom-in-law came home took her shower and came
to the living room naked. She sat on my lap, we are
both naked, me with a hard-on that went all the way
inside my mom-in-law’s pussy. We were fucking, then heard the front door being open, it was my wife got off early
from work. It was too late, I was shooting off my load
of cum inside my mom-in-law’s pussy and we kept on
fucking as my wife is watching us with a big surprise
on her face. To my surprise, my wife was happy that
I was fucking her Mother. My wife later told me, that
her mother needed a good fucking and glad it was me who
fucked her Mother.
Now I am fucking my wife and fucking my mother-in-law
we are all happy, 2 pussies are very happy.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience