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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: Boyfriends bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

We where home alone and were laying on his bed casually speaking when he began stroking my breasts. He asked if I was okay so I said yes, moved and he kissed me running his hand down my stomach and began pushin the skirt of my dress up,he began kissing my neck working his way down to breasts. He pulled me up so I sat and he took off his shirt, he began taking off my dress for me, giving me eye contact constantly until I said I would do it myself, he then took of his pants and underwear whilst I was still in my underwear. He pushed me onto the bed and kissed me again, carefully moving his hand to my underwear and pulling them off, I took my bra off and then him already being hard, gently parted my legs. As he began to make his way inside me, he constantly asked if I was okay. He took it slowly to get inside of me fully the first time. He kept on sniffing me thrusting in about a few centimetres each few seconds. The pain was bearable but once he was fully inside of me he stayed their for a minute, kissing my lips and neck before slowly thrusting in and out. He got quicker and I began to feel the pain subsidise into pleasure. He came inside of me as he already knew I was on the injection. Afterwards we lay silently next to each other until eventually he ended up massaging my shoulders and carrying me into the bathroom where we bathed together.

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