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Where it happened: my house
Langauge: English
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Actually it happened just today, July 25th, 2001. My boyfriend and I were at my house just hanging around and making out. We were on the floor and he was on top of me kissing my neck and I suddenly just said “I wanna do it now” and he asked if I was sure and I said yeah. But my sister and her friend were home so we had to wait awhile until they left. Before we actually did it, we got in the mood by messing around some more, I gave him a handjob while he fingered me and we had dry sex a few times. By the time my mom took my sister and left, I was really nervous, but I was ready. My one rule for sex is that I have to be in love with the person. Oh yah, and he has to wear a condom. I asked him if he wanted to do it (dumb question, what guy doesn’t) and so we went to my room and I got a condom out from under my mattress. I didn’t wanna look while he was putting it on, so I just lay down on the bed. I was so nervous I was shaking. He got on the bed with me and told me to just relax as he took off my shorts and panties. Then he got on top of me and I helped him get it in the right place. He pushed it in a little bit and I was waiting for it to hurt but it didn’t. It was just a little tight. I told him to go slow so he did but after a while we got into it a bit more. We really didnt know how long my mom was going to be gone so after like 12 minutes I told him we’d better get dressed. Plus I didn’t want him to come because the condom was kinda old and I thought it might break if we did too much. So then we just got up and I fixed the blankets and he flushed the condom down the toilet and that was it. Not really a huge freaking deal like everyone says, but it was special because it wasn’t just some random fuck.

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