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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: some girl's apartment
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 8
Category: Straight

I had been dating him for 2 years and 1 month exactly, when we finally did it. we took everything very slowly since he was my first kiss and…everything else. The only thing he had ever done with a girl prior to our relationship was feel her up, so he was pretty inexperienced, too. I remember that before we actually did it, anytime we fooled around it was apparent that we both wanted eachother so bad. But for some reason we had this notion that we should at least wait to have sex until we were both in college(he’s a year older than me)…Of course, that didn’t quite work out. I’m not sure how it came up, but one time when we were at Wallmart, I just decided to buy condoms. I think that moment was when we both knew it would happen soon, we just didn’t know when. A couple of days later, I’m at his house and things are really hot and steamy, and I ask him if wants to get my “purse”. He said yes. So, I got out my purse and found the condom. It was a “natural lamb,” and we’re looking at it, and we couldn’t figure out how to put it on! god we are such virgins. Anyway, he was already way nervous to begin with, so he lost his erection before we figured out how to put it on so I was just like, Forget it. So anyways I think a couple of more days go by, and we’re back in his room making out, but his dad his was home, so we couldn’t do anything else, and so he stops me and says, “don’t you have to take care of B.’s cats?” (B. is the girl who I was catsitting for. she was out of town for the entire month, so I had her aparment all to myself). We go to her apartment and start fooling around on her air mattress (Note: don’t ever have sex on an airmattress. It sucks.) And he made sure I was good and wet. We knew that it was the right time. So we pull out the condom and this time, we were able to get it on easy. He went so slowly…yeah I had to guide him in. It hurt a bit because he is nice and big. He went very slow. It only lasted for five minutes. After he came, we just laid there and I distinctly remember thinking, “there is actually a word for THAT?” because so many different feelings and emotions were conjured up from that first time…Anyways then we went and played tennis. Hahaa random I know. And it was hot as hell that day so we are stripping down to next to nothing as we play. We stopped cuz it was too hot, and then we got some drinks and ummm we kinda decided that we wanted to do it again. So we went back to B’s apartment and this time we had hot sex for 45 minutes. It was SO FUN this time around! We tried different positions…but remember it was an airmattress so it was kinda awkward doing the easy positions like missionary. We found spooning to be quite successful. We loved it so much, we had to go back the next day and do it all again..except that time we did it on her futon, which was much more comfy. It was so worth the wait. It was all so natural, I don’t feel guilty or anything. I feel like it’s not a big deal…it’s sex, it’s making love, it’s fucking like gorrilas, it’s pain, it’s pleasure, it’s so NATURAL. I love it and my god i love him. It really was worth the wait. It was a good time.

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