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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: My house
Langauge: Female
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Well me and my boyfriend had been together for 2 and a half months when it happened. I was gonna wait until we were together longer but then I had a change of feelings. I wanted him to be my first because he was the one who made me happy and the first person I cared enough about. He came over my house and had a condom and we had already fooled around every other way so I pretty much knew it was going to end up happening. We were messing around putting him inside when I told him to put the Trojan spermicide condom 😉 on because I wanted to now. We were in my bed but my parents are always downstairs and I hafta leave my door open so thank god they didnt come up when anything was going on. We didnt have any music playing just Something about Mary on tv. So we were laying sideways when he slipped his great PP into my Great vagina (lol) and whispered I love you. I said it back of course 🙂 it hurt for only a little but then it fit in and it felt soo good. We were going at it like that but my cherry hadnt broke yet. So then we flipped so I was on my back and him on top of me. This way I could feel it going alot deeper and once it reached my cherry I could feel the pressure and it was intense. I told him to push but I think i scared him by making a painful noise but anyways that was it. Then we did it sitting on each other and also doggy style..I was surprised at myself it all just seemed so right. The pain was worth it because the pleasure was even better. THen we were done cuz we heard my dad coming upstairs. We had sex for about 25 minutes so that was pretty good tho. no one had an orgasm cuz we hadnt been doing it hard or long enough since it was a first time u dipshits nothings perfect on first times der. I wasnt his first but thats ok it doesnt bother me cuz I kno he cares about me alot. we got up and I was all hyped up I went downstairs and made me and him milkshakes and we laughed and talked about everything and took some “after sex pics” ya kno ;-). There is no one I would have rather experienced that with. My boyfreind is so hott and a nice guy. yesss. and since im sexay and a nice girl it makes the perfect complement 😀 I admit Waiting used to be for me but then I fell in love uh oh. Oh yeah I kept the condom wrapper with the date on it cuz I keep everything and this will be a great memory I’ll always wanna remember. -Jdawg I love you.
ps. i told you Id write about it on this site hehehehehe 😀

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