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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: My Condo
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 7
Category: Straight

Ok so im 16. usually your not supposte to have sex until ur 18 or older, but this chick was so hot.My friend zach was havin a party and he had a sweet place,so a bunch of us bought some boos and eventually we all got drunk but before we did i told her how i felt and i didnt get all softey on her i just told her and she said that she thought i was sweet and cute, but i told her the same. So after we all got drunk i asked her if she wanted to ditch and go to the 6th floor to my condo, so she yes and instead of both of us walking i carried her in the elevator and i laid her on the bed and we started to make out and then it got intense she started taking off my shirt and then she striped down to nothin but her panties and she took off my pants and then my boxers and she gave my a blow job, but then she said “do ya wanna do it”? i said “yes” and i got on top of her and started to fuck her we did it untill 2:00am. And then i put on my boxers and shorts and she fell asleep on my chest.The next morning she left a note that said me and my friends are at the buffet,so i got dressed and walked to the cafiteria, it was crowed but i managed to find her when i was walking up to them she smiled and said “arnt you gonna eat”? i walked over to get my food and my friends were there and they followed me and i said “sup guys” they said sup too and i sat down next to her. Every body called her mal-mal so thats what i said, i said hey mal she said hey jay so that night we had sex agian and 2 years later i got her pregnat i said i was so sorry but she said, no thank you. I asked her if she wanted me to help her take care of him and be his father and she said it would be hell if i didnt.

And still to this day we have a our little six year old son and were both happy.

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