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Man frm the streetz

Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: Frome
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

RIght boiiz, here’s what went down, her pants, Literally down. I was busting some movez at this sik club, got in with my bros i.d, well on pussay patrpl, full totty alert. There was some bangin’ girls about but i had to go for a bitv a munt. I grabbed her arse and slipped my finger up her skirt, unfortunately landing in her anal passage, it well worked doe. She’d gone comando. At the time i needed to crimp out a turd, so went upstairs, to my suprise, i turned to lock the door and there she was. her fat ass in my face reversing into the cubicle. She chucked out her babylons and locked the door. She started screaming at me ‘shit on my face’, i was like she’s odd, shall i back out? Then other lads in the bogs were egging me on.. so i shat in her mouth. she loved it. Then she licked my rim.
I woke up in teh morning, thinking that was my first time and my last.

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