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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: His House
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

My first time really wasn’t all that great. My best friend and I were at her house one night and we were tripping hardcore on some Triple C’s. She was dating this guy J. We made plans to hang out with J and his best friend R the next morning at 7. So 7 finally rolls around and we had yet to go to sleep. R and J came and picked us up. We went to R’s house because his mom was out of town till late that night. J and J(my best friend) went to the guest room while R and I went to his room. By this time it was about 9. R said that he had some vodka and asked if I wanted a drink. I told him sure. Now remember I have a Triple C hangover which is no fun, so the vodka really fucked me up. R and I were messing around like normal. He took my shirt and bra(36 C) off and started sucking and licking my nipples. It felt so good. He slowly moved his hand down to the top of my shorts. I was wearing basketball shorts so he had easy access. He stuck his hand down and started rubbing my pussy, getting me so wet. Then he inserted a finger, then 2 and started to finger fuck me. I was moaning like crazy. What can I say? I love being fingered. We were making out and everything was going the way it normally did between us. Then he slid my shorts and panties off and started kissing and biting my neck while still fingering me. I was in pure ecstacy. To keep from screaming I bit his neck which I knew he loved. He started to kiss down my stomach finally ending at my pussy. He gently kissed my clit and licked it. I shivered in aticipation. He bit each thigh before finally starting to eat me out. Again this was normal for us. He stuck his tongue deeper and deeper until I orgasmed. Then he flipped us so that I was on top and I was sitting on his face as he continued to eat me. I looked into his beautiful blue eyes and asked the question he had been waiting to hear “Do you want to?” He said “yes but only if you’re ready.” I told him that I was ready. So he rolled us to where I was on bottom again and slowly entered me. It hurt and I bled a little but he went slow and it finally started to feel good. We fucked for about an hour and he came in me twice with no condom. Then we got up and went to smoke a cigarette. I could have very easily gotten pregnant. We had a scare when I was a week late but I luckily didn’t get pregnant. We had sex 2 more times after that all without a condom. It was stupid and irresponsible of us to not use protection. I regret my first time because I thought R actually cared about me, but he was just using me for sex. I just want to say if you’re going to have sex use a condom or some kind of protection. Just because I was luck enough to not get pregnant doesn’t mean you will be that lucky. Also if you’re going to do it, do it sober. Being fucked up when it happens isn’t the greatest thing. I wish I had been sober because it probably wouldn’t have happened this way. I probably would have done it with someone who loves me and that I love. Just be careful. Well that was my first time and like I said it wasn’t all that great.

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