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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: Downstairs Bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 4
Category: Straight

My first time was quite a wonderful experience. It was with a girl I had had a crush on since the day I met her. It took me 5 months before I could even get the courage to ask her out. After we had been dating a few weeks and fooling around we decided to get a bit more serious fooling around. One night we were in my back bedroom of my parents house. We had made out and I had recieved oral sex for my first time. We were both virgins (even tho, I had told her I was not one). I had made an off commment about how she was still a virgin and she replied ‘Do you want to change that?’ My heart quickly skipped a few beats as I was actually going to do the “deed.” So I quickly got dressed, ran upstairs into my bedroom and grabbed a condom in the dark. I literally ran back downstairs and slowed down before I reached the doorway, as too look very “cool.” I remmeber walking into the room and seeing her beautiful nude glowing body and face. I Fumbled with the condom for a few moments, opened it, and put it on. As I entered her I noticed a tight sensation, and a slight tear as I slowly and gently entered her. We continued this slow “love session” for a while when I noiticed a particulatr smell.. It was that of strawberries, as I was so nervious that I had grabbed a “oral sex, strawberry flavored condom” in the nervious rush. I had remembered my friend had given it to me as a joke. I just kept quiet and tried my best to make it as painless as possible by kissing her tenderly and passionatly. I just had remembered the thoughts of “Is this it?” “This is what everyone was talking about.” We were quite nervious as my girlfriend kept asking me if she was doing it “right,” as I had no clue. The only romantic thing at the time I thought I could say was ‘Move your hips more.’ Well, anyways we kept making love for a while but stopped short as she had to be home by midnight and it was already 11:50Pm. It actually took a couple of tries before we worked it out and sex became fun activity. If I had only knew how great sex was and how much of a beautiful bonding ewxperience it is I may have thought diffrently at the time. I am still dating Rachel and she is now my fiance. I am glad that she is my first woman I was ever with as she is now the love of my life and hope to remain friends for a lifetime.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience