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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: my room
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I dont know where i should start exactly. I was 15 and was at
my house with my best friend and her boyfriend and a guy you
could say i was dating although we only went out on one date.
The four of us hung out at the house all day and swam in
the pool. Around 2 or 3 after drying off we went back inside
and talked and stuff. My friend and her boyfriend started kissing
and such so I felt inclined to “allow” the same. A little while later
she asked if we could go up to my room so they would have some privacy.
So I did for her and he and I went up and closed the door and
started talking. Well talking ended and we went back to kissing.
We were doing some intense touching and he suggested we get under
the sheets. So we moved off the bed to our respected sides and
pulled the covers down. He then took off his suit and jumped into bed.
I started to climb in to bed in just my bottoms since he took my top off
earlier, when he asked if i would take them off. I was nervous
scared, excited, pressure, every emotion there was. I felt that
since he did it that I needed to. So now that we were naked I
had butterflys in my stomach we started to kiss again. I was already
to push him off of me because thats what I thought he would do
but he was very gentle and justed kissed and held me. I relaxed
after a while and he probably sensed that because his hands started
to roam. We must have kissed and touched for at least when he rolled
over on top of me. I remember taking a gasp of breath and him telling
me to breath. My legs were stiff and tight together. he started kissing
me again and i loosened up some out of instict I think. After a few mins
of kissing like that he pushed up on his arms and told me to take a deep breath.
I did and he made me do that 3 more times. Then he said he
would like to make love to me but only if i wanted too. He told me
that he will not make me say anything. If I want to do it then I
need to bring my knees up, if I dont then do nothing and he will roll
over in 15 seconds. He then kissed me and said to choose. I just sat there
then he started to move off and I shot my knees up. He smiled and asked if I was sure
and I told him YES but hurry before I change my mind.. I hugged his
neck as i felt him enter me. He did do as he promised and went slow. Even
though he had an orgasm and I did not I still completely enjoyed it.

We ended up dating for a long while. I wish ever women had a nice guy
as their first.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience