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Math Teacher

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: Multiple places
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

When I was 16, I had a smoking hot math teacher. She was about 5’9, green eyes, pretty face, huge breasts (she had implants), a sweet ass, feminine curves, and was slightly tan. She was was amazing, and I day dreamed about her almost everyday in math class. I caught her starring at me a lot to. She was about 37 and had two kids, 21 and 19, and a husband.

One day before school, like an hour before school started, my friend and I were spray painting the side of the school with some pretty bad words and pictures. Then all the sudden she came out of the school and began to yell at us. My friend ran away and my heart began to beat like mad when she got closer. She told me that I was going to get in tons of trouble. She graved me by the wrist and made me come to her room which was on the second floor of the school.

Once we were in her room she made me sit down in a an office swively chair. She began to scold me, but as I looked at her I just kept on thinking about doing her, she was beautiful. Soon I had a rockhard piece of wood in my pants. She was still scolding me, and I tried to cover up my blunder. She notocied it though. She looked startled for a second, but then grinned slightly. She said to stay in the chair and dont move at all. THen left the room.

She was gone for about twenty minutes and came back with a role of duct tape, had much more make up on, did her hair more, and looked like she put on a push up bra making her already huge breats look almost twice as big. My cock now was extremly hard. She said to sit still, and then she duct taped my hands to the chair.

Once she was done she looked at me and said “Do you like me?” I looked at her, she already knew I did amensly so I just said “Yes, a lot.” she grinned and leaned on her desk and said “Why?” I stated “You’re beautiful, smart, and have an amazing personallity.” she rolled her eyes and said “You’re a charmer.”

Then she did something unexpected she got onto my lap and wrapped her legs around me and the chair. Heart rate was speeding up and I was becoming so horny. She wrapped her arms around my neck. I was struggling against my duct tape binds, as she said sudictivly into my ear “Do you want my Akash?” (yah that’s my name =P)

I said “Yes, really bad.” then she leaned forward and began to french me. I kissed her back and we did that for about five minutes when a bell rang. It was the first bell that signaled that it was fifteen minutes before class started. She stopped and panicked. She quickly got the ductape off me and then said that I couldn’t tell anyone that we had done that. The I went to my first period class.

Then for about a whole month we didnt do anything, she just kept looking at me. Then one day in the middle of math class while everyone was working on some stuff she asked to see me out in the hall. I was wondering what she wanted so I came out. Once we were out in the hall she looked around to see if anyone else was out in the hall, no one was. So then she held me against the wall and began to french me. Between kisses she whisperd “Oh Akash, I want you so fricking bad…” she stopped after about ten minutes, which was good because we both were out of breath.

She said “I want your number.” so I gave it to her. THen we went back to class and on the way in she spanked my ass. I looked at her and blinked but she just grinned.

Then for the next week or so she kept on saying she needed to see me in the hall and would french me. I was loving it. I was an attractive teen, almost 6 foot, lean, tan, had shaggy brown hair, muscualr, and not braggin but I had a big cock. Even looking that good, it was surprising that my math teacher, married, hottest teacher in the school, actually hottest woman in town, who only had ever one relationship which was with her husband her whole life, wanted me and was frenching me every day.

Finally though one day, Halloween actually, she called me on my phone and asked if I could come over to her house. he said with a sarcastic voice ‘to practice math’. I said I’d come over quickly. So I quickly graved my car and drove over to her house. She awnsered the door and I was surprised as hell. She was in a cat costume for Halloween. It was extremly sexy. It was one piece, no leg covering, no arm, she had a mask on her mouth, she had a push up bra on, and it showed her chest all the way down to her nipples. My mouth was open in surprise. She laughed and said “Hey babe!” then pulled me intot he house and closed the door.

She instantly began to make out with me, putting her hands all over me and feeling me. At first I had my hands on her upper back and could feel her bra, I so badly wanted to take it off, yet I controlled myself. I ended up lowering my hands to her ass though and feel it. It felt amazing. She pulled me over to her couch and threw me down on to it and began to make out with me on it. I was rubbing her ass and kissing her aggresivly as she kissed back passiontly and rubbed her hands on my body.

She stopped and then sat up on me and said “Oh, I need that so bad babe, so bad.” I looked around, wasnt her husban dhome or someone… she seemed to read me and said “My son of a bitch husband is on a buisness trip hunny, dont worry.”

She then took my hand gently and lead me up to her bedroom. She looked at me and said sudictvly and aggrisvly at the same time “I want you… like i’ve never wanted my husband…” I stepped closer to her and she whispered “I love you so much Akash.” I smiled and said “I love you to.” She put her hands on my chest and sort of purred “You know what people in love do right hunny..?” looking over at the bed a bit. I nodded and my eyes filled with want.

She led me over to the bed and what we did I think you can just use your imagination. 😉

Anyways then we began to do it almost everyday because she found an empety classroom and we did it in there. We used protection and what not, and were cautious and werent caught. Then about Christmas time she divourced her husband. And I went over to her house every day after school and we did it all the time.

About a month later my parents began to get fed up with me (I had been doing some stuff they did not approve of) and got kicked out of the house. My math teacher let me live in her house. That’s when it began to get fun. We were madly in love and were doing it almost all the time.

I wanted to drop out of school, but she made me graduate, but it was beriable to do it with her and me doing it every day in the schools empety room 183. Finally I graduated and then she made me go to college. While I was at college we would hook up almost three to five times a week and do it. Once I graduated from college I moved back in with her. We got married, I got a job at the high school being a teacher (I was insipired by her), and we have one kid that was born about a year ago.

We’re still doing it every day when we can. We’re stil madly in love, and im about to go have sex with her right now. I hope im with her for the rest of my life, I love her so much.

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