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Age when it happend: 20
Where it happened: her parents' house
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 3
Category: Straight

OK, so I was almost 20 years old and still a virgin!!!! Not that I was big loser or anything. I was always taught to wait until marriage, but I didn’t see that happening in todays modern times. I did however want to wait for the right moment, but at this point in my life, I was sooooo ready!! I was going to school full time, still living at home, working about 20 hours a week at a drug store saving some money. I talked to some girls at school, went out a few times, made out a few times, but nothing ever materialized. There were a few girls at work, but nothing happened with them either.

So one day I’m behind the counter at the pharmacy and I see the manager (a 30 something year old guy) walking out of the office with a young looking girl, obviously our most recent hiree. She looked really hot from afar, curly shoulder length blond hair, very tall (mabey 5’11”), and very skinny. When they came closer and the manager introduced us I realized her face wasn’t really all that good looking, but her body was as fantastic as it looked from far away. Her chest was small, and that’s fine with me since huge breasts are a turn off for me anyway. Her name was Terri. We shook hands and smiled and for some reason I just assumed she was a bit younger than I was, maybe in her last year of high school (17 or 18 years old).

Now, at this point in my life one thing was on my mind constantly (and I’m sure you know what that is) and I was thinking, “hey, maybe a sweet young high school girl would be honored to go out with a big college man, and, if hopefully she’s over 18, who knows…”

We worked together for a few weeks, me being to shy to try anything. Then one day something mentioned something about Terri and college. “She’s in college?” I asked. It turned our she was 22! I was shocked! Anyway that deflated any hopes I had, and when I found out she was in a relationship, I figured that was that. Besides we had said about 10 words to each other in the 3 weeks she had been working there.

One lazy, slow Sunday we both worked the whole day together (9 – 5) and we took our lunch together. This was the first time we had a chance to really converse. I asked about her boyfriend and she said that relationship was pretty much dead. I didn’t want to ask why, I figured it was too private. She asked my if I had a girlfriend, and I of course said no. And I couldn’t help but notice that she almost appeared interested in me! I could sense it! 3 days later, it happened. She sheepishly asked me if, on Friday I would like to go see a movie with her. I of course accepted the offer. Like I said, her face wasn’t all that good looking but her body more than compensated, and besides, who was I to be picky!! Plus, she was just so damn sweet! I new from the grapevine that, when she was in her relationship she was getting her birth control pills filled at the pharmacy we worked at so I new she was not a virgin. I figured if I didn’t blow this, I could be next!

I did everything I could to make it happen. I began working out twice a day and dieting and getting a pretty hard body. I was as sweet as I could be to her. After a month and a half though, the farthest we got was french kissing. It probably didn’t help that we both lived with our parents. But I was determined.

One Thursday I called her to give her my plans for Friday and she suggested that instead of going out, she would like to cook us a spegahtti dinner. Her parents were going out of town for business and she had the house to herself (she was an only child and I had a 17 yr old brother). My heart skipped a beat. I knew what this meant.

I got all ready on Friday. I shaved what little chest hair I had to better show off my abs I had been working so hard to develop. I bougt a pack of condoms, put one in my back pants pocket, and made sure to hide the rest from my mom.

We ate up the speghetti and sat on the couch to watch a movie she had rented. Of course within 10 minutes we were lip-locked. After a solid half hour of passionate kissing she whispered if I would like to go up to her room. I smiled and nodded.

We kissed some more on her bed and then began to derobe each other. All I was thinking was, “please let me not look like a total virgin…even though I was one.” Finally, there it was, the sight I had been waiting for since I hit puberty. She was lieing on her back on her bed, completely naked. I still had my boxers on and of course was sporting a killer boner. “Come on, go in,” she said to me. I slowly began to take my boxers out and then I felt compelled to warn her. I shyly said, “Terri, this is my first time…” “Awww,” she said, “that is so sweet.” She came over and hugger me and began to kiss my shoulders and chest. “Are you sure you want to?” She asked. “Oh yeah,” I retored quickly. I was not going to let this opportunity slip away! “Awesome,” she said smiling, “I’ll make it fun, come on.” She took my penis in her hands and began to guide it into her vagina. When it was only a half inch or so in, I remembered. “Terri, sholdn’t we use some kind of protec-” She put her index finger over my lips as if to say, “shut up.” She said, “don’t worry, I went on the pill 2 weeks ago.” I smiled and entered her, bare.

It felt soooooo good!! I had seen enough pornos with my freinds to know how it works from here. I slowly began to move in and out. She sort of coached me. I was determined to please her and hold out as long as I could. After about 5 minutes I told her I was going to cum. She told me to stop moving and just lie on top of her. I did and I began to kiss her neck and nibble on her ear. She was gently moaning and I felt like THE MAN!!

After about 15 minutes of this I felt the explosion coming on. I told her I couldn’t hold out any longer. I felt bad becasue she had still not orgasmed. Finally I exploded inside her. It was incredible. When I got off her, I shyly began to apologize when she interupted me and told me how great it was. She then asked if I would be offended if she finished the job. I said of course not and she asked if I would kiss her neck while she did because that really got her hot. She fingered herself until she came.

We snuggled under her covers for a few hours naked. Then we did it again and it was even better. I had to go home so as not to arouse suspicion from my mom.

She would eventually find out that I was no longer “pure” when I regretfully informed her two years later that Terri was pregnant. But like all grandparents, she eventually came around. 9 months later, when I was 22 and Terri was 24, she delivered our daughter Jacqueline. Jackie was certainly not planned, but she was a blessing none the less. Terri and I are still together to this day!

If you would like an update at any time, ask me at daddy_25327com 🙂

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience