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Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: College
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

So it was my first class on my first day at a new school. I sat down in the back row of the class and waited for it to start. People came in one by one mostly keeping to themselves or talking on their phones, and then a girl walked in and sat right next to me. She introduced herself and we got to talking and as class started we joked about our teacher being a hippy. We exchanged numbers with plans to meet up later.

Later we met up downtown and walked around talking and ended up watching the sun set over the lake. We left and I went to get some dinner at my apartment. She called me later to see if I wanted to go to a party with her and her friend. Naturally I did and we had a good time there. I don’t drink because sometimes it gives me intense migraines which have made me lose my vision temporarily, but she had a couple drinks. I stood outside with her as she smoked a cigarette and the grabbed my hand. The other people outside went in and she kissed me and said we should leave. We had to bring her drunk friend to meet up with other friends so we went walking around town.

We went back to my apartment and started making out on my bed. As it started to get heavy I said that we shouldn’t do this because she had been drinking and I didn’t want her to do something she’d regret. She assured me that she wasn’t drunk so we kept going. We started taking off our clothes as we kissed and she started pulling on my cock. So I took off her bra and started massaging her breasts and licking her nipples. She responded well and I was getting really hard so I put my hand into her panties and started rubbing her clit and the inside of her vagina. We both got fully undressed and then she layed down on her back and I got on top. She grabbed my cock and guided it into her. It felt better than I could have imagined and I she was moaning in delight. I didn’t last long and I came on her stomach. She kissed me and went to clean herself up. She came back and layed next to me. I started kissing her neck and it all started again. This time it was much better and it lasted much longer. We did it one more time before going to sleep.

The next morning she made pancakes and I decided she was the coolest girl I had ever known, haha. We hung out and had sex a couple more times before she told me that she had a 26 year old boyfriend back home. As if that wasn’t bad enough, she then told me that he was visiting next weekend. She said that she wanted to be just good friends and we stopped having sex. He visited and she spent the night in a hotel with him. I felt sick about it and stayed alone in my apartment for a while. She would call me and I would go hang out with her and her friends and things eventually got better.

A few weeks later we were watching a movie at my apartment and we started making out and it escalated to having sex. It was good and we lied there afterward staring at the ceiling. I started giggling to myself as a thought popped into my head. She asked ‘what’s so funny?’. I replied ‘we are goooood friends, hahaha’.

The End

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