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max + kelly = <3

Age when it happend: 99
Where it happened: his house
Langauge: engrish
Sex: Female
Rating: 3
Category: Straight

i’ve allways loved max, for starters. and he allways looks at me like i am the most precious diamond in the world. anyways. our relationship hit sparks at a school basketball game when he laid back against a row of bleachers behind him, making sure his head and one arm were close to my thin and cleanly shaved legs. he looked me in the eyes with so much love and i looked back at him with passion. he was a year older than me. and i was pretty sure he allready had his first time. well, anyways. after he was looking at me with the loviest look, he put his head right next to my thy, and his arm streching across my lap. i ruffled his hair a bit and he nudged me right bellow my panties. when the mascot came by [brian was in the costume, it is a pirate costume by the way] max made brian sit by him, i used all my hearing to hear what they were talking about. i think i heard every word:
max- “i got a boner.”
brian-“from who?”
max-“kelly.” [yay! i gave him a boner!]
brian-“oh…come with me, quick.”
so max followed brian into the hall. and i went to go to the bathroom
[from the girls room which is in the hall. if you dont get why by this point. max was out there. i wanted to see what was up.dur]. to my surprize, max and brian were standing in the girls bathroom. max standing naked, and brian staring at me, standing there. [brian is 1 year older than max, and 2 years older than me.] then we had a little conversation:
me-“er- whatcha doing, HERE?”
max-“what are YOU doing here?”
me-“girls bathroom. you?”
brain-“its your fault. he got a boner ’cause of you.”
me-“…my fault?”
max-“brian: can you give us some privacy…?”
brian-“yeah, kay. bye”
so brian left.
me-“need help?”
max was scrambling with his erection and his clothes. he looked up and shook his head saying, “you can leave.” but i giggled, “bathroom. you leave.” i left after max got dressed and i went to the bathroom. later we kept hanging out and stuff so i went over to his house. there we had sex 4 3 hour

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