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Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: brothers house
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 6
Category: Straight

A few tips for you junior cocksman:

1- 14 year olds dont have 10″ cocks

2- Regarding chest size; the number is their chest size, the letter is their cup (boob) size. So when you say “she had huge 38B tits”, you are fucking a chunky girl with tiny boobs.

3- There’s this thing in punctuation called a “period”, and no, its not the thing your girl missed after you fucked her with your 10″ cock. Learn to use it. Also learn to spell.

4- Turn off the all caps button. It is very hard to read so I, and probably most people, don’t.

5- Most (not all but most) girls don’t have an orgasm the first time they fuck.

Now take your 5″ cock and go fuck that fat girl with the tiny tits again

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