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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: van
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 2
Category: Straight

well i have been talkiin to this guy for a while. i told him i liked him and he liked me. i was 15 when it happened and he was 19. but yea he lives in his van and we were at a bonfine. and when we went to go to bed we started making out. but everytime before this we would make out and he would always try to take my clothes off but i said no. but this time i accualy let him. i made sure he wore a condom. but then after the first time we did it again but i didnt use a condom but he pulled out before he cummed then in the mornin we tryed again but he couldnt get in. now things just feel so differant betreen him and i. i still like him but i sorta think he used me for sex. but im not sure i i think im just bieng parrinoid. but it was still a good night. and he respected my feeling all the time untill i was ready. ill never forget my first time.

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