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me and billy

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: holiday (majorca)
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

We had only just arrived at our hotel when our neighbours stopped by to introduce themselves. They were great, they showed us around, and took us to the best bars on our first night. I struck up a good friendship with Billy and we spent a fair bit of time together. On their last night, we all went out together again, but Billy and I went back to my hotel room early on. We sat out on the balcony, drank a bottle of wine and chatted for ages.

After a while Billy stood up and took my hand. He led me inside and we lay down on the bed together. We undressed and then he sat for ages looking at me before saying how sexy he thought I was. He kissed me and ran his hands down my back and during that minute I felt sexier than I ever have before. We spent the entire night making love. Then we got up and I sat on his knee on the balcony until the sun came up. That was the best holiday I’ve ever had, and Billy and I are still seeing each other since we got back, we’re planning to get married next year.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience