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me and greg

Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: his house
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

me and greg have been friends for about 2 years, and we tell each other everything. after we broke up, we stayed really close friends, and went over to his house just to hang out a lot.
one day when i went over, after we had talked a little, he just started kissing me. since we had gone out before, we had kissed, but this had more passion, and i kissed right back. i was sitting on his lap facing him, and i could feel that his cock was rock hard.
we went up to his room, we didnt want any parents to catch us
after that, we started kissing again, and he started to take off my shirt and my shorts, and i took off his clothes too. he spread apart ,my legs and started to eat me out, and i just kept on moaning, it felt so good. then he took his cock, which was pretty big for his age, and started to put it in me. it kinda hurt, but i forgot about the pain for a while and it felt really good. he was pumping me really hard, and i wanted more in me. after like 20 mins he came, but i wanted more, and so did he.
he started to finger me, and when i saw he was hard again, i took his cock in my mouth and started suckin,forst down at the base and them i worked my way up to his swollen head, he came in my mouth, and i got every last drop of cum.
later on we went swimming, and in the pool we were making out the whole time. since the pool had chloriene, we took a shower together, and lets just say that he got me up the ass in the shower, and that was the best day of sex ive ever had inmy life and now we are moving onto sex with 3 people…..
i love you greg

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