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Me & Mr. Allen

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: Seattle
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 8
Category: Straight

I was 14 at the time my family moved to Seattle. We live in a part of town called Union Bay and our house overlooked the bay. It was a really beautiful view and you could see airplanes coming and going and all sorts of sailboats coming and going and compared to the little town we came from the whole thing was just really amazing. We had some really cool neighbors and one of the families the wife mostly stayed at home with her kids and the husband worked at Boeing.

It was also about this time that I think my parents started doing drugs. I don’t mean marijuana and I really don’t know what it was they were doing but whatever it was it was bad. I first noticed it that December when the electricity got turned off and the house was dark. Mom and dad said that it was just a temporary thing until they could get some money. Except it wasn’t temporary. The house stayed dark all through December and into January. And then the gas got turned off too.

Meanwhile, the neighbor family with the wife and kids? Yeah, she got tired of having the kids and one day when the Mr. got home from work she was gone but the kids were still there. That night he came over to our house to talk to my parents about having me work for him as a nanny full-time, which meant I would have to move into that house to be there 24/7. I don’t know what the deal was between him and my parents but I do know that the next day the lights were back on and the heat was working again and then I was moving in with Mr. Allen as his new nanny.

The first night I was there Mr. Allen explained to me that he was paying my parents for my work because I was too young to be handling money. He also had me quit going to school and start doing home study so I would be around the house all the time to take care of the kids. They had four kids with two of them twins at age 4, another who was 2, and the baby who had just turned 13 months. That was a lot of work. I was going at it from the moment I got up in the morning to the moment I went to bed at night and then sometimes having to wake up during the night to take care of one of the kids when I have a nightmare or when they were sick. Mr. Allen didn’t help with the kids too much because he was always working or was busy in his home office.

And that was how things went until the following March when one day I noticed my parents’ house was empty! I ran over there to see what was going on and all of the furniture and curtains were gone and there was a foreclosure notice taped to the front door. I had no idea where they had gone and I never heard from them again. When Mr. Allen got home that night I told him what had happened and I cried wondering where my parents were. He told me it would be okay and that I would just have to stay with him and keep doing what I was doing.

For my 15th birthday Mr. Allen took me out to a very nice restaurant and we had dinner together while his mother babysat the kids. During dinner he gave me a string of pearls and helped me put them on and he said that every woman needed to have a string of pearls and where I was the woman of the house that he figured I needed to have a string of pearls. When we got home that evening his mom left as soon as we arrived and he gave me a nice hug and a kiss on the forehead as he sent me to bed telling me to take the night off and that he would watch the kids if there was any trouble. It was my first good night’s sleep since I had started with him as his nanny.

The following year went by pretty much the same way the first year had gone by. I watched the kids get older, the little one I taught him how to walk and then got to see him run. I’d take the kids over the park during the day and hang out with the mothers at the park. Just before my 16th birthday it happened that one of the mothers was talking to me about the kids as if they were my children and I kind of liked it.

Mr. Allen took me out again for my 16th birthday and it was another nice dinner and this year his gift to me was a diamond ring that he put on my ring finger. I said to him, “Isn’t that where you put a wedding ring?” And he laughed. He says to me, “You’re the closest thing I have to a wife and you do all of the work around the house and you take care of the kids as if they’re your own and I think you deserve the recognition that goes with all of that. Besides, I hear from one of my friends that when you’re at the park with the kids you don’t mind when someone thinks that you are Mrs. Allen.”

I was a little embarrassed by that. I think I blushed a bit too. I told him that I wasn’t saying that I was his wife at the park but that I kind of did like that the ladies thought I was the kid’s mom. It was then that I asked him about Mrs. Allen and what had happened to her. He told me she had left him after almost five years and that she had filed for divorce asking for nothing and just walked away. He had no choice but to say yes to her request for the divorce. Where he had me to take care of the kids it made things a lot easier.

When we got home that night we saw his mother leave just the same as we did the year before. This time though when he went to send me to bed he kissed me on the lips my very first kiss and told me how wonderful I was before saying good night. I have to say that I was a little bit shocked by that. I just didn’t expect him to think of me that way.
The next day he acted as if that kiss had never taken place. I was content to act the same way. And that was how things went on for the next couple of months.

One night when he got home from work after we were done having dinner and after I had put the kids down for the night he invited me to come sit with him in the living room. This was really unusual as almost every night he would go to his home office after dinner to keep working on some project from work. When I sat down with him he asked me if I would like some wine. I said yes and that I had never had wine before. He told me about the wine and said it was from some place in France that I had never heard of. It was kind of sweet and I liked it a lot. We sat and talked and looked out at Seattle as the city lights one by one came on. We kept up the conversation and I think I finished most of the first bottle of wine only to have Mr. Allen open up a second bottle of wine. And then I think I finished most of that too!

Knowing what I know now at this point in life I realized that I was not just tipsy back then, I was drunk. I also realize that my being drunk was exactly what Mr. Allen had in mind that evening.

I forget what time it was when he finally said it was time for bed and he took me by the hand and led me upstairs to his room. I remember saying something about my room being somewhere else and he just smiled and told me that he wanted me to stay in his room that night. Seriously, I did not know what that meant.

He sat me down on the bed and undid my sneakers and then took off my socks. Standing up, he kicked off his shoes and took off his socks too. I remember just sitting there watching him as he undid the buttons on his shirt and then took the shirt off and tossed it on the chair. It was the first time I had seen his chest. He leaned into me and undid the buttons on my blouse and I just stupidly sat there as he took it off. I remember looking down and seeing myself in my bra and feeling a little detached from what was going on. That was the alcohol thinking for me.

It was then that he stood me up and gave me my second kiss. It was a long and passionate and hungry kiss. I felt things that I had never felt before and at the same time I felt very scared because a part of me understood completely what was going on. Another part of me didn’t want to believe it at all. As we were kissing I felt his hands on my back and when we pulled apart for a moment my bra was loose. I held it in place with my hand as he knelt down and undid the buttons and the zipper on my shorts. It was then that I said to him, “I don’t think we should be doing this.” He pulled my shorts to the floor and had me step out of them. Standing up he says to me, “Sweetheart, right now I can’t imagine doing anything else!”

As he kissed me again he pulled bra away from me and tossed it to the floor. Stepping back he drew in his breath as he looked at me and then said that I was so beautiful. He turned around and hit the switch to turn off the lights in the room. Then he walked over to the window and opened it so we could see the lights of the city. I could also see him in the light as he came back to me and he looked so much more serious than he had a moment before. He undid his belt and let his pants drop to the floor and he made a quick move and then his boxers were off too. In the dim light I could see a part of him standing out from his body and I immediately knew what it was. He walked back to me and I just did their while he took my panties off and had me step out of them.

A moment later I had my first kiss with a naked man. His hands explored my body and I think I moaned a little when he ran a finger through that place between my legs. He pulled me close and I could feel his manhood hot and throbbing against my belly. He took my hand and had me touch it. It was soft and smooth and hard and somehow I liked it.

We kissed for a bit more than he walked me back onto the bed making me fall backwards onto it. He pulled my legs apart and kiss the inside of both of my knees. Then he kissed up my thigh until he finally kissed me someplace else I had never been kissed before. When his tongue first touched me there I recoiled a little at the feeling but a few moments later I marveled at the magic he made with his amazing tongue! I had never felt anything like that before! I know it sounds unbelievable but at sixteen I had never had an orgasm before in my life. I’m not even sure I knew what it was like to be aroused.

But I did now.

He was really good at what he was doing and in a few moments I found myself swooning from the feeling that arose in my belly and then radiated out across me like a magical kind of warmth. It was the best feeling I think I’ve ever felt in my life to that point.

“That’s my girl!” he said with a sense of accomplishment in his voice. “Sweetheart, I promise you that it’s only going to feel even better after this.”

As he was saying that he pushed me up further on the bed so my legs were no longer hanging over the edge. And then he moved up on top of me and gently laid himself on me. When he kissed me there was a different smell to him and I realized that what I was smelling was myself in his kiss. I neither felt good nor bad about it at the time. Instead I just accepted it as he kissed me. While we were kissing he reached down and pulled my knees up so they were either side of him. At the same time I started to feel him rubbing himself between my legs. He was very gentle about it and very patient. It felt sort of nice to feel something rubbing me down there.

I was so overwhelmed at all of the new feelings and all of the new sensations. Between the sensory overload and the ample amount of wine I had been drinking I was in no shape to complain or to protest about what he was doing. No, I’ll admit that I was enjoying myself and I am not sure if I would’ve complained or protested if I had been sober.

The kissing and the rubbing took a change when Mr. Allen stopped for a moment and looked me in the eye. He kissed me on the lips and looked at me again and then I felt him move differently as he started to enter me. At first I spread my legs a little wider to let him do what he was doing. Then I felt a little pinch inside me as he pushed against something. It made me catch my breath a little.

“That’s fine Sweetheart, it’s perfectly normal. I promise I’ll be gentle and that this is going to feel good really soon.”

Our eyes locked on each other’s as he slowly pushed himself into me. I was still looking at him when I cried out in pain as he changed me from a girl to woman.

He just held me for a while like that and kissed me and comforted me. He was a lovely things in my ear and telling me how beautiful I was and telling me how lucky he was to be my first. Soon, though, he started to move inside me gradually, at first, and then slowly he started to move faster. The pain started to fade for me only to be replaced by a fascination for what was happening. It seemed miraculous to feel another person inside me, making love to me, and both taking from and giving pleasure to me at the same time.

All too soon I felt things change. He started to move faster and he was holding me tighter I could hear him breathing harder. I was just starting to feel that magical feeling again when he pushed himself into me as deep as he could go. I cried out in pain at the feeling of my insides being stretched and he cried out in joy as the part of him inside me swelled up and throbbed. Then he just collapsed on me crushing me into the mattress. I was out of breath myself and with his weight on me it almost felt suffocating.

I gently pushed him a little bit and he rolled off of me. Instantly, I felt a gushing feeling from inside me and I reached down to grab it. My hand was wet with something sticky and warm. I got up and ran to the bathroom to wipe it all off. I was there for a few minutes wiping as more and more kept coming out. I had never felt myself so wet before and at that moment I thought to myself that all of this must’ve come from inside of me, not realizing that it had come from Mr. Allen.

When I was cleaned up enough I went back to the bed where he was waiting for me. He pulled up the covers and invited me in to be with him where it was warm. He had a spoon up to him with my back facing him. We just lay there quietly and I enjoyed it as his hands continued to explore my body. I am not sure when, but not long after that the wine finally claimed me and I slipped into sleep.

Come the morning I woke up alone and it took me some time to come to my senses. First I wondered why I was in Mr. Allen’s bedroom, then I wondered why I was naked, and then the memory of the night came to my mind and I realized why a part of me was sore. I got up and found one of his bathrobes and put it on. All of the clothes that had been dropped on the floor the night before had already been picked up and I suppose he took them to the laundry. I padded downstairs after hearing some activity and I found Mr. Allen happily playing with his children. I’d never seen him like this before! He smiled at me and asked me how I was and then told me that breakfast was already made and waiting for me in the kitchen. It was hot bacon and eggs and it was exactly what I needed to go along with a little bit of a headache I felt from aftermath of the wine. I helped myself to some of the coffee as well and was soon feeling a bit better.

When I finally went back out to the living room he was still playing with the kids and he looked up at me and smiled. “How are you doing, Sweetheart? Is everything okay?” I nodded yes and then asked him the same. He replied that he was feeling the best he had felt in years. I guess that explains why he felt like playing with the kids. I sat down on the couch and then asked him if he had been happy with Mrs. Allen.

“You know, I don’t think I was. I miss her, of course, but I don’t think I love her anymore. I also think she stopped loving me a long time ago. I don’t even think she loves the kids. In some way I can’t blame her because I’ve been focusing on work and she was focused on the kids. We really had separate lives. I don’t think I want to make that mistake again.”

I didn’t pursue what he meant by all of that. Partly because at sixteen I was not so sophisticated that I could understand what he meant.

We talked for a bit more and then I got up to let him play with the kids while I took a shower. Nice warm shower helped wake me up some more and it also helped me do soak in what had happened the night before. I realized I was no longer a virgin and I also realized that something very serious and important had taken place between myself and Mr. Allen. Nothing would ever be the same and at that moment standing in the shower I didn’t know if it would be good or bad.

After I was done in the shower I did my usual bathroom things and then put the bathrobe back on to go get dressed. The rest of the day followed like pretty much any other day except that Mr. Allen only spent a few hours on the phone and on his computer. He kept coming out to check on everybody and to give me a kiss every now and again. I have to admit that I really liked it. I remember him walking away after he kissed me once and thinking to myself that I could love this man.

After dinner I got the kids put to bed and then came back downstairs where he was sitting and waiting for me.
“I suppose we should talk about last night.” he said.

I nodded yes.

“I’ve had feelings for you for a long time. I don’t know if you know that.”

This was news to me. “No, when did this happen?”

“The first time I saw you, to be honest. I mean I know you were fourteen and all, but I still found myself falling in love with you. After you moved in here it was everything I could do to wait for you to turn sixteen.“

“Why sixteen?”

“Because I couldn’t marry you until you turned sixteen. See, I already have your parent’s written permission to marry you but I had to wait for you to be sixteen for it to be legal.”

He got up and then knelt down and opened a little box with a plain gold band.

“This is the wedding ring that goes with the engagement ring that you’re already wearing. Sweetheart, I’m asking you to marry me.”

I was floored. This was not at all what I had expected to happen did was not at all what I had expected from life. I had figured on high school and then college and then a career and then maybe getting married. But now? At sixteen? A lot of things went through my head in a very short time and a lot of possible futures went through my head in that same short time. One of those possible futures suddenly seemed very promising.


I said it so quietly.

“I love you.” he said, standing up to kiss me. He just held me tight for a while then he pulled back to look me in the eye.

“I know we’ve already made love once, but if you want to wait until we’re properly married for a second time I’ll understand.”

I thought for a second and then answered him.

“Stay here for a few minutes and then come upstairs.”


Without looking back at him I went up the stairs and first went to my room where I took off everything and laid it out on my bed. Then I went to his room and got into the bed and waited. It wasn’t long before I heard him open my bedroom door and ask for me. Not finding me there I heard him come down the hallway and he opened his bedroom door and found me waiting for him.

Sober this time, I watched him stripped himself in the light. And then I get to see that thing that had been inside me and I had to wonder how it fit! He shut off the lights and opened the curtains and then slipped into the bed next to me. He wasn’t as patient as he had been the night before and it wasn’t long before he was on top of me and then inside me again. I was still sore from the night before and I winced a little as he was entering me. He was kissing me on the neck and gently biting my earlobe as he moved deeper and deeper into me. The sensation of soreness faded a bit as another sensation started to grow. It’s hard to describe exactly how I felt at that moment. It was a mixture of anxiety and anticipation over something I very much wanted to have happen and yet a part of me was also anxious about what could happen.

My worries were swept away as the most amazing orgasm of my life started to rise up in my body and spread out all through me. I know he felt a change in me at that moment and I saw him smile. He increased his pace and I found myself consumed in pleasure. Every time I would start to settle down a little bit he would go at me a little bit harder and make me feel it again. I started to wonder if he was going to kill me with this! Finally he could hold back no more and like the night before he held me tight and pushed deep into me. I could feel him swell up inside of me and then I felt the throbbing again inside my belly as he released himself. He stayed inside me kissing me on the neck and on the lips and on my breasts. We stayed like that for a while until I felt him start to harden inside me again. Soon we were at it again and all too soon I felt him finish inside me again.

I slept like a baby that night and when I woke up in the morning he was already gone from the bed and I expected to find him gone from the house. Instead he was downstairs playing with the kids.

“Why aren’t you at work?” I asked.

“Because I realized that I don’t have to go there to work anymore. There’s no reason why I can’t stay home and draw plans here on the computer and then send them in. I don’t really like having somebody watch what I do all day long anyhow. And I think I’d rather just be here. So I called up this morning and told my boss what I had in mind and he knew I wasn’t really going to give them a choice so he said okay. So here I am. Plus, I put in for two weeks’ vacation so all of us can take a little trip and you and I can get married.”

I smiled.

At eight he went to work in his home office and at noon he came out for lunch, made love to me, and then I saw him again at five. By seven the kids were in bed and so were we.

The following Saturday afternoon I became the second Mrs. Allen and it wasn’t very long after that that I found out that our four kids would have a new baby brother.

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