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Me, my dad, and my bro

Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: My house
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I had just gotten home from school and I walked on my house. I closed and locked the door Behind me like I always do. Then I walked into my parents room. I walked in and saw my dad had just gotten out the shower and only had his blue briefs on. I saw the bulge of his di kand it turned me o . My dad saw my growing Dick and laughed. Then he walked over 2me and kissed me. Then he rubbed my Dick, making it harder. He gently pushed me down on his bed. Then he took my shirt off and them my pants. He pulled my white briefs down and sucked me off. He let me cum in his mouth. After that, I pulled his briefs down and returned the tabor. I let him cum in my mouth 2. After that, his Dick was still hard. He smiled and went to my ads. He licked it and licked it. Finally he stuck his Dick in me. He went slow then got faster and faster. Right before he cum in me. My brother walked in. He saw me and dad. Then he pulled hos pants and briefs off and walked over 2 dad with a huge boned. While I fucked my dad, my dad sucked my brother off. Then I fucked my brother and he sucked my dad off.

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