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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: Hotel
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 8
Category: Straight

I had just graduated from high school and gotten my first job at an accounting firm as a receptionist. About a month after I started there was a big convention for CPA’s to be held at one of the large hotels in town. On the first night there was a get acquainted reception and all the staff from our firm was invited since we were hosting the function. The day before the reception I told my boss that I probably wouldn’t go since my boyfriend was out of town. He insisted that I go with him since his wife was not able to go either. After asking my boyfriend if he minded I told the boss I would go. Greg was a very good looking guy in his early 40’s, of course married and had three kids. We met at the reception and he showed me a great time all evening long. I didn’t make a habit of drinking but he kept getting us drinks and I enjoyed them very much getting very tipsy as the evening progressed. When the party was about over Greg told me that a group from the office had a room at the hotel and were going to partry a little longer and ask me to join them. I didn’t want to be a party pooper so I said ok. There were about 8 or 10 people there and I got more drunk after we got there and Greg told me that I should probably leave my car at the hotel and he would drive me home. I agreed and we continued to party. As time went by one couple after another left for the evening and before long the last couple left after asking if we needed any help cleaning up. Greg told them that we would tidy up and leave the rest to clean up the next day. After they left we picked things up and I was behind the bar throwing trash away and Greg came up behind me and put his arms around me. I turned around in surprise but when he kissed me on the forehead and pulled me to him I just went along with it. We kissed a couple of times then walked to the bed and sat down. We kissed some more then he layed me down. I ask he if he thought it was a good idea to be doing what we were doing and he ask if I was having a good time. I told him I had had a great time but ask what his wife would say. He didn’t say anything just gave me the most exciting kiss I had ever had. I kicked my shoes off and we layed there for the longest time kissing very passionately. He had been touching my breast every once in a while but not really playing with them. We were kissing and I felt his hand on the inside of my knee and he started moving it up my leg slowly. I really didn’t know how to say no so I just let him continue the trip until he got to my panties. To my surprise he just slid them aside and started fingering me without a word. I knew we had gone to far to turn back so I I just spread my legs to let him know it was ok. He proceeded to remove my panties then dropped his pants and shorts and moved between my legs. When he put his penis against me I ask him if he wasn’t going to use a condom. He replied that his wife had taken care of that problem after their last child and wwith that he took my virginity. The thrill of knowing he was going to cum in me and not having to worry about it made me very horny and when he finally came I had a tremendous orgasm. I was very relaxed about the encounter and didn’t think anything else about it until I was about three weeks late. When I got the cahnce I went to Greg’s office and told him that I hadn’t started my period and he just turned away. I ask him why he reacted like that and he said he had lied to me thinking nothing would happen because he didn’t have a condom that night and didn’t want to pass up the opportunity to make love to me. He made arrangements for an abortion and paid for everything. I never told anyone about what had happened.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience