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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: Flagstaff, Arizona
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

My parents had divorced when I was 14 and my dad went to live in San Diego and my mom stayed in Houston. My meant well, but I hated her at the time and thought life with my dad would be perfect. So summer of 2000 I wrote her a note that I was going to see friends in Chicago and I decided to take the bus to San Diego.
It was the afternoon of the next day when the bus got to Flagstaff and it was going to be another 22 hours to SD so I got off and got a room. The guy didn’t bother with my age and that was cool.
I went to a Burger King for dinner and came back to the room and got my bikini on and went to the pool to swim a little before bed. I met this really nice older guy and we just started talking and it was like we were old friends. He invited me to his room for a drink and I said yes mostly because I wanted a drink. He made me a drink and I just sucked it down it was so good and then he told me to go take a shower and he would rinse my suit for me. I did and after I was done he took a shower and we were both in robes.
I wasn’t totally comfortable being naked under my robe and I went to leave and he had another drink ready for me and said have the drink first because I couldn’t take it back to my room being underage. We ended up sitting on the bed and it wasn’t long before we were kissing.
It got a little too much for me and I went to get up and he just pulled me back and kissed me and got my robe open. Next thing I know he’s between my legs pushing at me.
I told him I was a virgin and he said ‘Not for long’ and kissed me hard as he pushed all the way in.
It hurt for a little bit and then it just felt weird to have something inside me. He waited a minute or so and then got to doing it. It scared me that something was wrong with him when he tensed up and pushed into me real deep and held it. The wet feeling down there told me he had just come in me.
I cried for losing my virginity and for being afraid of getting pregnant and he was nice enough to hold me and tell me it was beautiful. Maybe twenty minutes went by and he rolled me on my back and we were doing it again. He never let me go back to my room that night and it must have been five or six times we did it.
The next morning I went back to my room and cleaned up and met him for breakfast. He offered to drive me as far as Las Vegas and I said yes and that ended up with me in his bed in Las Vegas.
I ended up staying the month with him and we had sex the whole month. When I finally went to San Diego I was carrying his baby and my father was not at all happy about it.

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