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megan and josh

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: my house
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

ok well my name is megan and i’m 15 now and i first had sex 2 weeks ago with a every close frend josh and well considering it was my first time i think it will probley be the best in my life, well this is how we got to doing the dirty deed lol. me and josh met in high school in year 10 (second 2 last year) and hit it of right away we would flirt and insult each other on our preformance in bed even though we both had never done it well it was a normal day in school me and josh was insulting each other as normal when i came out with ” your dicks so small it wouldnt even make it in me ” and well when i thought there was no come back 2 it he came out with “i’ll prove you wrong” well me being the stuben girl that i am i said 2 him “ok after school my house” he agreed and i thought nothin of it until school finnished and he started walkin me home with me so i said 2 josh “u really gonna go threw with this ” he replyed ye so i thought id call his bluff when we got 2 my house i told him where my room was and 2 get ready for me and id be up in a min, well when i opened the door what did i see a very toned lad with the biggist dick ive ever seen (i measured it was 9.5 inches long and 4 inches thick) my jaw dropped and then he came out with “ar we gonna do this or what” at that moment in time the only thing goin threw my wind was shit thats gonna hurt. i staired into his eyes for a moment and he staired back into mine for a moment before we both broke into laughter he said 2 me ” u up for it ” and i replyed “looks like you are (refairing 2 his semi hard cock)but ye i am) he got on my bed and layed there for a moment , i thought it might turn him on abit if i did abit of a strip tease for him and it worked lol by the end of the strip i was on the bed at the side of him and he asked me what possition would i like 2 do it in and the only thing i could think 2 say him was all of them the smiled and said here we go then as he rolled on top of me into the mishonary possition he placed the head of his dick at the entrance of my fanny and the slowly went in i closed my eyes and dug my finger nails under his sholder plate the pain was that bad he pulled out streiht away and tended 2 me asking if i was ok and if i wanted 2 stop i said no and 2 carry on, and so he did she placed the head of his penis at the opening and went in slowly again this time it wasnt so bad until i tryed putting another pillow under my heed and hit josh in the face and as every1’s naturel reaction would be 2 move there face away josh did but his hips wen farward and all 9 inches went in the pain was so bad i screamed he pulled out faster than before only 2 realise the was blood on his penis after a minute of him appolizing i told him it was ok he’d only popped my cherry he looked at me and and in a very confident tone he said i knew that i said shut up and carry on and after givin me a quick kiss on my forhead he and well it was so good 2 hour of endless sex and every possition we could think of whe finally came the biggest and only load ive ever seen all on my belly i looked at him in a proven wrong sort of way he said 2 me “well i think it was big enough 2 fit in ” i replyed “ye but i wanted 6 orgasms not 5 ” he then replyed 2 me “couldnt u was 2 tight ” i staired at him before smileing at him he got dressed and left the net day at school i thought we’d keep it secret but i sort of forgot and said while all my mates where around i never got 2 do cow girl 2 him every1 staired at me i think he tryed 2 get me out by saying i was 2 tight which i think was ment 2 be a complament but i said no its just ur 2 big down there and with that my mates boyfriend said (hes abit slow) he said “does that mean they did it like us 2” whick took the attention away from me coz no 1 knew they did it anyways thats a different story so ye thats how i lost my v 🙂 oh and if u got 2 read all the way threw that soz it was so long and i just want 2 say it my not sound romantic how ive said it but it was and josh is caring and loving its just a shame we aint 2 gether but lifes life we still flirt and thats all i want ok thats it bye

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