I had never lived away from home before. I had actually only been away for about 2 weeks when I bumped into her. She was from home, one of the girls I had wanted to date but never did. She was short and beautiful, she had this sort of innocent look that made me want her a lot.
We had been out on one date and we were having a great time. We ended the evening making out on my couch. There was a little base action but nothing major. The next day I called her up and said I wanted to go out again. We played on the following evening.
The night was going great, everything was going perfectly and she asked if we could go back to my place (my roomates we’re all out of town so I jumped on the idea). WE got back and sat on the couch and the action started.
We had been making out for a good 30 min and I noticed my pants were undone and she was caressing my dick like nothing else. I had never had any expierience like this before. I worked off her bra to reveal two firm tits just waiting to get some. I led her back to my room and conintued the foreplay for about another 15 – 20 min. Then she worked her way down and stared sucking my cock like her life depended on it. I watched as her head bounced up and down and was ready to come and she pulled off. I was so ready to finish and we continued to caress eachothers bodies. She was on top and she slowly worked herself right onto my cock and we began to fuck hard. I listened as Melia climaxed and I busted my load.
This coninued through the night. Our sexlife was great we fucked everyday for two weeks. She had said she was on the pill but she lied. She got pregnant and had an abortion. I am very pro-life and said if she had one it would be over. She had one and so I ended the realtionship.