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Age when it happend: 25
Where it happened: Our House
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 1
Category: Straight

Well I just started this job my brother got me. Heworked for this boss/friend he knew since high school and I started working there and I was his asistant and he would kind of flirt with me. He owned this huge company and I did alot of work and we started dating by my third week there we went onnsome dates and stuff. Then he just bought this house and he wanted me to live with him. So one night I was on the bed sleeping and he was out with his friends and I was watching t.v. Then he called the house saying he’s hungry and wanted me to cook dinner and I said okay half asleep and I hunged up and went back to sleep. I went downstairs and to watch a little t.v. and I saw our dog laying on the couch and I layed on the couch and he got under my arm. He got home and he woke me up and asked where was dinner and I said I didn’t cook any and he asked what do you mean and I said I was sleep and he got angry and he said I expeact you to cook and I said I do cook and I heard him banging stuff I got up and I said why are you throwing and breaking stuff and he just looked at me and just kept throwing stuff and I tried stoping him and I said okay I’ll cook and he said too late and I said fine and I went back in there I sat down and he threw something that hited the wall in the living room and it was my nephew glass ball he made for me and I got up and I started yelling and I started to cry and I walked upstair and I closed the door and he walkked over to me and he started to take off my clothes and I screamed stop but he wouldn’t stop until I heard the door bell ring and he got off of me and he looked at me and and walked out I got out of my clothes and puted on one of his t-shirts and I got under the covers watched t.v. and I heard the dog scratcing the door and I got up and open the door and I picked him up and I got in bed and I turned off the lights and and turned on the night light and I tried to got to sleep and I couldn’t alot of pillows and our bed was huge I turned off the t.v. and and the night lamp and I fell asleep. Later I heard the door open and it was him trying to sneak in and get into bed and I turned over and he moved the covers and got in and he wraped his arms around me and I moved them and he did it agin and I said get off of me and he started to wrestle me and I slaped him and he fling the cover off of me and got on top of me and started riping off the shirt on me and Itried fighting back but he riped it completely off and he startes to go for my underware and he took off his shorts and he scooted me toward him and he started eating me I started to moan and arch my back and he kept puting my hand on my stomach for me to stop but I couldn’t then he stoped and spit on me he got on top of me and we started kissing and he started rubbing me and he asked are you ready and I shook my head yes and he enterd me I gasp and I looked down and swa blood and I began to cry because I didn’t know I was bleeding and he said shush, it normal for you and he started to go faster when I got used to it I started breathing heavy and sweating and he got faster and I heard squishy sound he bagan groaning and I just greath heavy and he grabed me by my hips and went fast and hard and I kind of scream and I came and he came too. He leaned and started kissing me and he looked up at the bed thing over our heads and wiped the sweat off his face he taped for me to to get in the other positon and he got me the dog style he moved me to the foot of the bed and hold on to the thig he got me low and he went fast and I didn’t make as much nooise and I just kept breathing heavy and moving my hair out of my face and he said he was about to cum and when he did I came too and he said oh my god and graoned loudly and I bit my bottom lip and I rub myself and I felt it coming out of me and he pulled me up and kissed me and he got me on my side and he fold my legs together and he went. We were kissing the whole time and I looked away and started bting the pillow and clutching the sheets. He moved the hair from my neck and started kissing and sucking on it and he got faster and I taped him and I said I’m about to come and he went fast non stop and I came I did a little scream and he leaned and started kissing me and my hair was kind of wet.

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