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Age when it happend: 23
Where it happened: Home
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 8
Category: Straight

I was dating my brother friend my brother worked for him too. He was my brothers boss and I knew him since school. he always messing with me and picking on me and he always come over and mees with me now he said he liked me in school. He just bought this mansion he wanted just built for him and he asked me to live with him and I did he got me a job for being his asistant at work him and his parents owned this huge company. One night he was on the lap top taking care of stuff anf I was laying on my stomach and I kept looking at him and playing with the dog. I told him I was a virging when we fisrt start dating he said he didn’t have a problem with that. I got out of bed and I said come here grabing his hand he smiled and I pulled on top of me and he started kissing me and I said you’re done with work and he said okay until I heard a e-mail saying you got mail and he got off of me he got back on the lap top and I sat up and looked at himand I walked down stairs and I sat in the kitchen I played with the dog on the counter he later came down and he said I just made the deal I said good and he asked what’s wrong and I looked away and he grabed me and we started kissing and the dog walked away and he put me on the counter and was pushing stuff off the counter and we went under my shirt and I sat up and he said why won’t you go upstairs and put on some victoris secret and I be in bed waiting for you , he saying thaat between kisses and I said okay and he said put on that perfum the body mist and I smiled and said okay and we heard the doorbell and I looked at him and he kissed me and he ansered the door it was his friends and they came in and they said it’s men night and I rolled my eyes. I went upstairs I stil put on the victoria secrete and I sprayed the body mist and I waited until I got tired and I got under the covers and the dog in bed with me and I said least you didn’t turn me down and hestick his tongue out and I used him as a pillow and I heard him come in he asked what are you doing and I said I got sleepy and he said there’s no time for that and I said yes and he started tickling me and I started laughing and he got on top of me started kissing me and I started speaking Mexican and he just got turned on and he started taking off his clothes and he got up closed and locked the door and turned on the little night lamp and he put on the condom and he asked are you ready and I said yes and he said okay looking down and he shoved himself inside me I grabed him tight and I let out a little scream and I looked down and saw blood and he said that okay and he started going in and out and I started beathing heavy and moaning he went faster and we both started to sweat and he said oh my god you’re so tight and he went dipper and he pulled off the condom and cam I was trying to catch my breath hhe taped me to get in the next positons and he got me in the dog style he came around and kissed me and he got the baby oil and and rubed it in and he put his hand on my hip and started going he went harder and I started moaning louder and I started speaking Mexican he went faster and louder I went clutching the sheet and I cam I screamed with pleasure and he moved my hair I was breath heavy. He got me on my back agin and he started rubing me he kissed me and I smiled and he enterd me agin and he started pounding me and he started kissing my neck. He groaned and went faster and I breath heavir and we heard a knock at the door and it was one of his friends and he said to me let me make you cum agin and I started screaming and I came. He grabed one of the sheet and he answered the door and his friend said oh I’m sorry and he said yeah he left the taped hands and he asked are you getting that he said yeah and laughed and he yelled and don’t nobody come upstairs and one of his friends not even to use the bathroom and he said not even the bathroom and he closed the door and he climbed back in and I asked are you mad and he said yeah and I smiled and asked can you take it out on me and he smiled and got on top of me and grabed my legs and wrapehis arms around them and he went fast, hard and non stop and he camed inside me he moved in slowly I felt his 8 pack while he squeez his stomach and he taped me and told me to get on my side I got on my side and he did to and placed a pillow behind my head and had arm on me and he started going fast and I was looking at him the whole time and I looked down and back up at him we started kissing and I said babe I’m about to cum and he went faster and harder and I screamed in the pillow and I came while he was still inside me and I threw my head back and I said oh my god and I tried to catch my breath and he started kissing my neck. I got on top of him and we started kissing and he asked what about having a baby and I siad okay and he said yeah and I shook my head and he said I want a boy and I said I want a girl and he asked are you going to give me that baby. I smiled and I said yes and he said okay and were talkiing back and forth while kissing and I asked do you really want a baby and he said yeah and I said okay and he didn’t have on a condom on and he enterd me and he went fast and hard I layed on him and I screamed in his ear and I said babe I about to cum and he said yeah and I said uh huh and he grabed my ass and started slaming me on him and I screamed and he came and we were still going and I said oh my god and I screamed realy loud and I spoked Mexican I looked at him and he was still going and I said I’m about to cum and he went faster than ever I cam on him and it seemed like it last for ever and he kissed me and he got me off of him and he got on top of me and he asked how was it and I said very good and he said it was my best and it was with a virgin and he kissed me and he said you’ll make a good mom and I rubed his head and he started kissing my stomach and he was driping sweat and I got the covers over me and he reached for his shorts, socks and his wife beater and I sat up and I scooted his way and rubed where his tatoo was on his back and he said downstairs and I said don’t go and he said yes I’m comming back up and he said open your mouth I did and he spited in my mouth it was very big and he said swallow and I did and I kissed him puting my tongue in his mouth and he kissed me and he smacked me on my ass and left. I fell asleep and he came back up and I woke and asked did they leave and he said yeah and climbed in bed and he wraped arms around me and we fell asleep it was kind of hard because we have alot of pillows on our bed.

I later did found out that I was pregnent and I was having a boy and we did buy a bigger house than it was in the begining and the labor was bad I was pushing and I was squeezing his hand and after giving birth he invited everybody from work and they came and he called work off and stuff. When we got home he said you made it look easy you just poped him out like it wasn’t nothing I looked at him and I said why won’t you give birth and I say it looks easy and he said okay and I fed him plus I breast fed and I bottle fed he’ll say my son is beating me to second base. He looked at me and asked you want to stay at home or work and I said I don’t know and he opened his eyes and I said look he opened his eyes and I said their green like mine and he asked want to have another one and I said yeah not now and the dog always trying to see him and lick him. When he started to crawl he got in to everything like going under the bed and he saw a toy in his hand I looked at him and I said why did you put the toy under the bed and he said I was trying to hide it and I said don’t do that when a baby in crawling and he took it from him and he started crying and I picked him up and I said don’t cry and he stoped and started sucking and holding my finger and he said it’s time and I said what and he said for another baby and I said okay I want it to be a girl and he said a boy and I kissed him and he asked when was the last time we did it and I said last week and he oh and I said okay let’s try but not right now and he agreed. A few months later I was pregnent and I was having another boy.

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