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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: His House
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 6
Category: Straight

I knew my brothers friends since I was very little I didn’t likethem because they use to pick on me and other things they used to be over our house alot and one of them used to pickon me alot and I hated and we used to fight alot and my mom would try to say be nice to the guest and I’ll be mad he was two years older than me and the rest of his friends were too. When we got older I got in more fights with him and he started to like me. I started high school and everybody was nice to me because of my brother and his friends. They were part of the popular people in school. One day at school I was at lunch and I got out of line and I tried to find my friends at my table and my brother was gone for a while to a football or basketball and I got home from school and I heard the doorbell ring and I opened the door and it was my brother I screamed and I huged and he said hi and I saw his friends with him and they came in and they sat down and me and my mom finished dinner and we sat at our dinner table the huge one and we eat and my dad asked how was everything and they said good and I saw him looking at me and he asked how was I doing and I said good and my brother said remember you two used to fight alot and yall was always at it and I said yeah and rolled my eyes and he said yall used to look so cute and I did a fake laugh and I said didn’t you and that one girl and he cut me off and his friends started laughing and he said better than being a virgin and I asked my brother you still itching and he said long time ago and I said you snuck her up in your room and he said okay virgin mary and I called him a diseas and my mom said yall need to stop and others were laughing and my brother asked can I got to his house for a party and my mom said yeah bring your sister and I said mommy! and she said you going and he started laughing and I said shut up and he we started arguing and my mom said come here and take the plates I grabed everybosy plates and went to the kitchen and we went to his party everybody was there it was okay and I stayed with my friends and the party started to end and I bumped in to him and he said you all grown up ann=d I said yeah and rolled my eyes and he said that’s why nobody likes you and I said I don’t care and I asked can I go up in your room and he said yeah and I went to his room and I wacthed t.v and later he came up and he sat beside me and he asked how much you know about sex and I said you can get pregnent and he smiled and laughed and he said you the same scared little girl and I just looked at my hand and I pulled my hair to the back and he said I can teach and I asked about what I did really want to know about sex and I said I don’t want to know I was getting scared and I was very shy and I put my head down and he tilt my head up with his hand and he put his thumb onmy bottom lip and he started kissing me and I started kissing back and I said we should stop and he started kissing and sucking my neck and it felt good and he started to unbutton my shirt and he got me in my under and his I saw his abs which were very nice and I had on matching underware he started taking off my panties and he said I didn’t know you shave and and he took off his boxers and we both were naked he said lay back and he started eating me out and it felt good I breath heavy and he said come here and I got on my knees like he was and he motioned his finger to come toward him and I did we were kissing and he told me to get on my hands and I said for what and he told me and I said I don’t know how and he said I’ll help you and I did start doing it and he pulled my hair back and he moved my head back and forth and I could hear him breathing and saying auh and he let my hair go and I got up and he said get on your back and I got on my back and he got on top of me and I asked is this going to hurt he said a little and he licked he licked his hand and wiped it on me and he started kissing me and he shoved himself in me and I gasp and I looked down I saw blood and I asked why I’m bleeding I began to cry and he said it’s normal for virgins and he started kissing me and I said it hurts and he said you’ll get used to it and he went on and it started to feel better and I started breathing heavy and we both were sweating and he stoped and taped me and he got me on my knees and he asked does it still hurt and I said kind of and he said okay and he started sucking my neck and he get in this pose and he told me what it was and I asked does that hurt he said a little and I said I’m scared he huged me and he said I go easy on you and I got in the dogstyle and he kissed ny back and he used his hands and he said to arch your back and he enterd me and he wentt slow and he started to go fast and he started to slap my ass and I started moaning and breathing heavy and he asked you okay and I said uh huh and he asked you promise and I said yes and I pulled myhair to the side and it started to feel good and he pulled himout of me and he shoved it in my I tightned my face and he went to pound me and he camed and he groaned and he said come here and he asked did it feel good and I shook my head yes and he told me to get on my side and he got on his side too and he enterd me and he went fast and he made me cum and he camed after me and he started kissing me and he said you taste sweet and he pulled me on top of him and I felt his 6 pack and he went slow and he moved me and he started to go fast and harder and I could hear the sound I moaned and he made me cum and he after right after me and I catched my breath and I moved my hair to the back and I layed on his chest and he kissed me on my head and he said I always liked you when we were younger and I said yeah and that why you always tried to fight and argue with me and he said yeah and it made you look cute and I laughed and I asked is that always you used to start them and he said yeah I sat up and I looked at our clothes and I grabed my underware and he grabed his and he looked at me and he said you look fine and I said thank you and we got on our clothes and my brother and the others said they were spending the night and we said okay and he said I could sleep in his room and I slept in his room we still together.

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