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Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: maui
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

My first time was when I was living in Maui at age 13. I went to the beach with my sister and her friends. Her friend, Shelly’s talked me in to skinny dipping which I had no problem with. We went in to the water with our suits on and then took them off. When Shelly realized how tiny I was she took my swimsuit and swam in. I chased after her and my sister and Shelly’s mom stopped me and I looked down and realized the cold water had completely inverted me. Shelly’s older sister had her apologize to me and told me I shouldn’t be ashamed of my body and that she likes tiny ones. My sister and her friends all gathered around and laughed and made fun of me. Shelly’s older sister told the girls to be nice. And in my defense she took offer her clothes and walked with me down the beach. We went in to the water and she tickled me and called me needle dick over and over. I rubbed up on her and she told me she couldn’t feel a thing that I was too small.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience