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Age when it happend: 22
Where it happened: In the hospital
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 4
Category: Straight


I haven’t thought about it for quite a few years, but my impending separation and divorce has had me thinking about some of my past escapades.

I had just graduated from the University of Virginia and had moved to Virginia Beach and gotten a job as a bartender in a hot club. Just the thought of those young tight bodies dressed to stimulate desire makes the blood rush to my crotch. At 21 years old, 6 foot 4 inches and in the best shape of my life, I was at the right place and at the right time.

Then I blew my knee out playing frisbee with a bunch of buttheads on the beach. I ended up going back to my parents home in a rural town a couple of hundred miles away. I was scheduled for surgery within the week of my accident and, since this was in the days before the arthroscope, I was in for a minimum of 4 weeks in a cast and several months of re-hab afterwards. So much for a summer at the beach.

The surgery was scheduled at Duke University Hospital in Durham, North Carolina. Back in those days you went in the day before an operation so the medical students could get some practice on digital rectal exams. These days you check in and out the day of your surgery and the interns practice on you while you’re knocked out.

I checked in around 4pm the day before the operation. I was bored and playing solitaire on the rolling patient’s table when the end of visiting hours came. To my surprise, two girls came waltzing into the room. They were both attractive girls, one blond and one brunette, and the blond was wearing a huge back brace. She also wore a body cast from the waste to her shoulders and the external brace made here look like she was in a mobile bird cage.

The brunette was older, about 30, and was in great shape. I found out later they were both professional dancers. The blond turned out to be 18. The brunette sat on the end of my bed, without saying a word, picked up the cards, shuffled them, and started dealing. “Hi, let’s play hearts, okay??” “Sure,” I said, ” make yourself comfortable. Sorry I can’t offer you a drink.”

“You just want to get me drunk and take advantage of me. Well I might just let you. I haven’t been getting much lately.”

“That sounds like a good idea to me. I know I’m going to feel like shit after my operation tomorrow, but it would be great to get laid tonight.”

The blond in the brace said, “I can’t fuck you because of this brace, but it would be fun to watch you two do it. You’re a big guy. Do you have a really huge dick.”

At this point they were busting my chops trying to outdo each other with outrageous sexual innuendo. I just went with the flow. It turns out they were roomates. The brunette, Pam, was visiting the blond, Jackie, and they wanted to be out of Jackie’s room when the floor nurse checked to make sure all the visitors were gone. Jackie had told Pam earlier that this big good looking guy who had checked in earlier (all I could say was thanks, since I’m no great stud). Since Pam didn’t want to leave at the end of visiting hours, they decided to hide with me until the nurse made her rounds.

Now, the nurse story may have been bull, since no one checked my room, but I suspect Pam and Jackie had been raising a little hell since Jackie came in a week ago. They might be getting special attention from the staff for that reason.

Jackie had been in a car accident the previous Friday night and had broken her back. It didn’t break her spirit though.

The dirty talk continued. Have you ever fucked two women at once, where’s the most outrageous place you ever did it, etc. All this hot talk was getting to me. I figured it was time to see if was going to lead anywhere, so I said, “All this talk is nice, but it sounds like just talk to me. Why don’t we just fuck right now.”

Pam said, “That nurse would catch us and they wouldn’t let me come back to visit Jackie. If not for that I would really show you something.”

Jackie wasn’t going to let her get away with that and said, “it’s okay, Pamà, you two can do it in the bathroom in my room, and I’ll watch the door. And if you get caught, I’ll be coming home in a couple of days anyway.” The gauntlet was tossed. All Pam could say was “Let’s do it”.

We went back to Jackie’s room. After Jackie was situated, Pam and I went into the bathroom and closed the door. We tried a couple of kisses, but realized that kissing just wasn’t necessary. We undressed each other quickly and unceremoniously. We weren’t going to fuck for love or lust. We were going to fuck just to prove we would.

Not to say I didn’t get a full size boner. I am no porn star, but I am a big guy and my dick is big too. I was hot to trot and needed no further stimulation. I reached down to rub Pam’s dark bush and got a hand full of juice. Her cunt lips were ripe and puffy. It looked like the talk was working on her too.

Now we had to figure out how to do it. We were quite different in height, so standing up didn’t work too well. Neither did having Pam sit on the sink or the toilet. Pam finally stretched out on the tile floor and said “Get down here and fuck me now. This tile floor is cold and I want to get off and get up.” Not exactly the stuff of romance, but I didn’t waste any time in joining her.

If you haven’t done any hard floor fucking lately, tile can be tough on your knees, especially if they’re in bad enough shape that you need an operation in the morning. Pam was really wet and spread out so that I could get into a position sort of like doing push ups. This was turning into a real athletic fuck and we were trying to show each other how acrobatically we could move.

The heavy humping went on for quite a while, really testing my condition for marine push-up fucking. Pam’s mood went from, hey let’s just do it, to heavy breathing and a glaze-eyed expression. She was approaching her orgasm and was meeting my hard strokes with all her might.

And then she started kicking the stainless steel bed pan we had neatly tucked behind the toilet. Any pretense of a sneaky fuck got lost in the passion we had created. Pam’s orgasm crested as the bed pan rang of the tile floor and wall and the toilet. Jackie was at the door begging us to be quiet in a whispered voice, and I finally blew my nut in the midst of this frenzied chaos.

I thought it went quite well.

Jackie opened the door while I was still on top of Pam. She stepped in and closed the door and said the nurse was coming. Just then we here a knocking on the bathroom door and a female voice asking if everything was okay? Jackie replied that she had just knocked over the bed pan and was all right, while I laid there with my dick going limp in Pam’s sloppy wet cunt. It took two towels to get the floor clean.

Jackie stepped out of the bathroom. I dressed quickly, and I quickly followed back into her room. While Pam cleaned up and got dressed, Jackie told me how hot this had made her and how she wished she didn’t have a broken back, because she would show me how to really fuck. She was back in her bed, so I leaned over and gave her a deep kiss while she rubbed my crotch through my gym shorts. I went back to my room shortly after Pam joined us, knowing that I couldn’t wait to tell my college buddies about this one.

The surgery the next day went pretty much as planned. I woke up in the recovery room feeling ill from the effects of the medication. My folks were there and told me everything went well, and that since there was nothing further they could do, they would go on home for the night and see me the following day. I gratefully fell back asleep.

When I woke again I was back in my room. I still didn’t feel so hot, but I knew something strange was going on. I looked down and there was Jackie. She had pulled a chair up beside the bed and was leaned over my exposed crotch sucking on my very limp dick. My mind is telling me not to throw up and I’m trying to will myself to get an erection, but it’s just not happening. I didn’t want Jackie to go away feeling like she wasn’t accomplishing anything, but soon I realized that wasn’t going to be a problem.

Jackie had her left hand on her pussy working furiously. The fact that I was soft wasn’t going to keep her from getting her rock’s off. In spite of this, I still had a limp noodle. It was, after all, only about 1-1/2 hours ago that I was on the surgeon’s table with my leg cut open. Jackie tried to suck my dick down to her stomach as she climaxed in a series of muffled moans. I didn’t come, but it sure took my mind off throwing up.

After coming, Jackie left and I fell back to sleep. I woke several more times through the day, long enough for the nurses to re-medicate me and then it was back off to la-la land. When I woke up the next morning, my parents were there, and by the time they left, Pam had come to get Jackie and she had checked out.

Several weeks later, after I got rid of the cast, I did go back to Durham and spent the night fucking Jackie. Pam was in the next room with her new boyfriend and she didn’t want to participate, or let him know what had happened. It was great to get laid, but the excitement of fucking and sucking in the hospital made it seem tame by comparison.

But heyà..I’ve got some other stories too.

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