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Where it happened: the woods
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

this happened about a month ago. me and my friend dana were riding all over town and into different places. we came upon a neighborhod and farther down there were some woods. 10 minutes later both of us had to take a piss really bad so we went back to the wooded area and did our thing. after dana went in i went in by this one tree. then all of a sudden she comes around the tree while im takin a pee. she watches it all come out and im standing there and i cant do anything about it because i really had to go. then she tells me to stop and i use all my power to stop for whatever little time i have and she kneels down and tells me to shoot it down her throat. now i think im dreaming or something and i slap myself but this is all real. so i take my dick and piss down her throat with good aim. she drinks it all up like there was no tomorrow. then after i finish she makes me take her pants off. i do it and then she makes me slowly pull her panties off. she tells me that every hair i see down there she wants me to lick. so as im pulling them down i start licking all over each portion of her bush. finally im al the way at the bottom licking the rest and she makes me stop. then she takes my balls and pretends im having a physical. she makes me cough and turn to the side and then pretends to measure my dick. after that she sucked it hard. then i cum in her mouth and she takes all of that in. she turns over and tels me to fuck her doggystyle. and of course i say hell yes. so i open up her gap and slowly enter in and she screams a little but then it was all good. i was fucking her hot ass for about a minute till i finally took it out and cummed allover her breasts.

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