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Age when it happend: 28
Where it happened: Motocross Track
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Because of my job schedule I am often able to ride my dirt bike during the week and enjoy the minimal number of people at the track. One this particular day, I arrived as I normally do at to find a nearly empty parking lot and only a few other riders geared up and tearing up the track. As I unloaded my dirt bike from my work truck one rider quickly stood out from the others. This rider was geared up in what looked like new white and red riding gear that fit him like a glove. He obviously worked out often as do I and his body was a perfect combination of muscle, curve, and brawn. His gear was not over snug but fit his body and legs as good riding gear should molding to him like it was custom fit. Immediately I started to get that familiar warming sensation in my boxers under my own gear. Normally this is a good thing especially while riding because it’s contained in my riding pants and hardly visible to the casual observer unless you are looking for it, which is always welcome. As I was finishing my unloading and ride prep, I noticed again that he was having trouble with his chain or something in the general vicinity of his rear sprocket. I found myself looking at his form-fitting gear moving from his boots up along his muscular legs, along his nicely formed bubble butt and up his broad shoulders.

Although I wanted a much closer look and my helpful nature wanted to assist this rider I was slightly worried my woody would give away my real intentions. I started my bike and rode in the parking lot a few laps to warm it up. The whole time looking at him and his bike and of course his body each time I passed. On the third pass he looked up and smiled. Holly crap what a smile. I rode over to where he seemed to be struggling and hopped off my bike. It was hard not to stare at him in a way that was not obvious. I asked him what was going on with his bike and he pointed to his chain guard and said it had been hit by a rock and bent forcing it against the chain. He seemed genuinely upset and began telling me he had just gotten his bike back together after months of waiting and repair after some engine trouble.

His eyes and his whole disposition were that of someone kind hearted and extremely attractive. Trying to be sly I took in the time he spent talking about his bike problems to really go over what he was wearing with my eyes. His racing boots were clean but obviously well taken care of and in about a size 11 or 12. His pants were mostly white with red portions and matched his shirt. Standing there looking at his pants and glancing down to his zipped compartment I could see his shoe size was a reflection of what was inside. He defiantly had something to be proud of inside those pants and was not afraid to wear clothes that made that point. I found myself looking several time at that location and tried my best to keep it cool. My own package was stirring at this time and there is no restraint with boxers on. As we talked, I mentioned that I have my work tools with me and that maybe I could help out. He was very appreciative and shook my hand saying ‘that would be awesome’ I walked over to my truck and grabbed my tool set and went back to help. I realized my boner was probably visible in my pants but didn’t care.
We both sat on the ground very close to each other as we worked to get the guard off and fix the problem. Every so often our gear would come in contact with each other. Our faces close together looking at a bolt, our hands touching as we worked on the small parts, and our pants rubbing together as we position ourselves on the ground to get leverage. The whole time I realized that I am at full wood and looking down I could see that it was obvious to anyone who looked down as well. Apparently the thoughts in my head must have been similar to his because during one of the times I looked down in his manhood’s direction I saw the outline of what was underneath.

We finally got the guard off, bent it back and reinstalled it. Neither of us said anything about our wood. I am always cautious and didn’t want to scare him away or cause any problems so I remained silent about it, for a while. We got everything fixed up, hopped on our bikes and headed for the track. He is a good rider I found out. We raced around the track together and started battling for position. He would get ahead, which offered a great view of his gear and that awesome body, then I would get in front affording him a view of what I have to offer. After about an hour, we sat on our bikes watching the few others riding and discussed the track, other riders and other things. I got a little bold and commented that I like riding track because it gives me a woody when I am going fast. He then said – like you had when helping me with my chain guard. I was shocked and stunned and freaking excited. He said it’s all good. He said that is why he had wood too. We began talking about how riding and the gear just feels good and that there is something about it all that’s exciting. He said his girlfriend would kill him if she heard him talk like this but he didn’t seem to care. We decided to race around some more and I thought that was the end of that. He pulled off the track and went back to his truck. I thought the day was over for him. As he stood there in his gear, with his helmet off I rode over and asked if he was done for the day. He said yes. I was completely bummed. We chit chat for a little bit and then he said that he needed to get out of his gear and take a shower. Then he asked me what I was doing. I wasn’t sure exactly what to say, so I said that sounded like a good plan. I now know he was testing the waters to see what I wanted as well. He said he was hungry too. I said hey, why don’t we grab something to eat. Great idea he said. We discussed what kind of food we wanted and where to go. We realized that we live at opposite sides of Sacramento. He suggested a restaurant near my place and said lets go there. I was cool with that. He was ready to go and HELL YA so was I.

We loaded up our respective bikes and he followed me. I had given him my number is case he got lost and within a few minutes of leaving the track he called me from his truck behind me. He said he really wanted to get out of his gear and was it cool if he changed at my place. OF COURSE I told him. Now my wood was back and raging. Could this really be happening? We got to my place and I walked over to his truck where he was on the phone talking to his girlfriend I didn’t want to listen in but as I was walking away I heard him say he and a buddy were going to hang out for a while and he would call her later on.
He got out of his truck and I could see the outline of his wood in his pants even though he tried to hide it by leaning against his truck pretending to look for something in his gear bag. He grabbed his bag and we headed inside my place. Once inside he boldly said, hey I’d really like a shower if that cool. I was more than happy to let him shower and do whatever he wanted. He then said, hey sorry but my woody has not gone down from riding as he looked down at my obvious wood and said and it looks like yours hasn’t either. I was stunned again and said he was right and that I needed a cold shower. He then asked if it was cool that he change and shower up. HELL YA I told him. He just started to slip out of his clothes right there. First his shirt came off revealing a gym body that was well taken care of. Then without even a word he sat down slipped off his shoes and socks, then removed his riding pants and boxer briefs. This guy was ripped and naked standing in front of me smiling with a nice tool poking out in front of him which he grabbed and tried to conceal a bit. He then asked if I was going to hit the shower too. I was out of my gear in seconds. We stood there and admired each other’s bodies and reached out and began to feel, touch and stroke each other. He said he always wanted to try this but never had the nerve until now. He then said that he wasn’t into guys but loved riding gear and the way some guys looked in it. We stood there for a while just feeling each other and enjoying the moment. I lead him into the shower where we both soaped each other up and enjoyed the feeling of muscle and another guy. I stroked him with my soapy hand and he returned the favor. He gave me a big soapy hug and then moved close to my face with his face. I leaned forward and we gently kissed each other at first. He was hard as a rock and I could feel his wood pulsating in my hand as our gentle kisses turned into deep passionate ones. Our bodies pressed together and our hands were running all over each other’s bodies. He was slowly thrusting his soapy wood against my abs then without warning he began to shutter and I felt the warmth of his juice against my abs and stomach. A moment later my own load blew off between both of our pressed bodies. We kissed one more time, deeply with our bodies pressed together then we rinsed off and stepped out of the shower. We chit chat while drying off talking about how good that felt. He then told me he didn’t have a change of clothes so he had to put his gear back on. We walked over to my dresser and found him a shirt and some shorts to wear. We got dressed and headed out to get something to eat.

We sat at the restaurant and talked about riding, girlfriends, work, gear, and other guy stuff the whole time. When it was time to leave, we stood in the parking lot and he said, I guess we will have to hang out again so I can give you your clothes back. He laughed and said, we should go riding again soon. I agreed and told him to keep in touch, never expecting I would ever ride with him again, or get my clothes back. He drove off and flashed me a smile that will stick in my head a long time. The next day I got a text message from him saying, Hey thanks again for helping me with my chain guide and stuff. What’s your schedule for riding this weekend?

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