Where it happened: outside
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
There was a kind of nerdy boy who lived a few houses from me. He always wanted to be friends and hang out with me, which we sometimes did. One day we had gone up to this creek in a secluded woodsy spot that was close by. He told me that he had seen these two guys from high school there, and that they had been naked. I asked what they had been doing, and he said that they had been fucking. I didn’t believe him. The two guys were quite well known and very popular with the girls. He went on to describe how one guy was sticking his big, hard dick in the others butt, and how he had secretly watched, but got out of there before they could see him.
I had to admit that the detail made it seem like maybe he wasn’t making it up. Over the next couple of weeks we went back up to that spot, but we never saw anybody there. I could tell that he was hoping that we would, and I was sort of wanting to see that, too.
Anyway, he laughed and said how it would be funny if he and I were both naked and fooling around, and the two guys came back and saw us, and how they might just start having sex in front of us. I said it was more likely that they would tell everyone that we were gay, and said besides how I wouldn’t want to be naked right there because it was too out in the open. So he said that we should go farther up into the bushes, so we did. Then he asked if I was going to get naked. I just made a face and asked if was going to. He said that he would if I did. So, figuring that there was nobody around, we both took off our clothes. We were both kind of shy, but it was fun. After a minute, he started getting an erection and I started getting one, too. It was kind of cool being naked and having a boner together. We laughed about it, and we playfully felt each others dick, and we ended up jacking each other off.
Well, it had been sort of fun doing that, so we went back a few days later and did it again, and we did it some more after that. Good times.