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Mike in Florida

Age when it happend: 22
Where it happened: my apartment
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 7
Category: Straight

My first gay experience was something that I was on mission to accomplish (to see if I was gay, of course). I remember I was at work talking to my co-worker (vary close friend at the time) about me never having gay sex. Every weekend we were at the gay club. I guess you could say we had our own key – to open and close the club.

Anyway, she had a friend who was vary gay and she approached him about helping me with this dilemma (my first gay sex experience). I recall her telling me that she had heard that her friend was vary vary big. And he was! I also remember him telling me that he didn’t have sex with people who he didn’t kiss. I remember this because I was still dealing with the whole gay thing and had not kissed anyone yet. He also wanted to know what gay things I had done sexually. I told him I had experimented with anal insertion (toys). That was it!

I remember I suck him and he sucked me. I went in him first and we both ejaculated. I recall him hitting my blue curtains (which I still have) and saying “I usually don’t shot like that(3-4 feet).” Last, he went inside me. I recall him telling me that it would be easier if I rode and to take it slow, which I did. All this took place in 8 hours and before my college roommate came home from visiting his parents. Looking back on this experience, I am glade I had gay sex later in life because if this would have happened back in high school, I would have been a whore.

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