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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: His room
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

The first time me and my boyfriend had sex was just a week ago, he’s two years older then me so he wanted me to be 100% sure before we did it.

I could hear the faint sound of Family guy coming from the t.v in the corner of his room. We had been laying in his bed for a good couple of hours just watching t.v before I decided to wrap my leg around his hip and pull him closer. This was normal to him so instantly his lips were on mine, pushing and parting them as his tongue sought out my own. I could feel his hot breath in the back of my throat as she kissed me; it made my body tingle. I can never help myself around him, reaching up I used my left hand to grab a handful of his hair, forcing his face even closer to mine as a tangled my tongue with his, my lips becoming wetter and wetter as the kiss dragged on. His breathing was getting heavier and I could suddenly feel the hardness of his dick against my thigh. I knew what I wanted, but I also knew he was going to pull away any moment; he never liked to go to far cause of the temptation; he began to pull away slightly but my right hand was to quick it gripped the fabric of his shirt making his remain close to me. His green eyes looked into mine and I could tell he wanted me to stop “Please” I muttered in a weak voice. He looked at me with unsure eyes as I pressed my chest up to his and kissed him again. Pulling away again he continued to look at me; I figured he was testing me when he reached out taking my boob in his hand over my shirt. His index finger and thumb found my nipple, and he began to roll it between them until it got hard. I couldn’t hold back the small moan that escaped my lips. Instantly he let go of me, giving me a small peck on the lips “I’ll be 20 soon we should wait” he said his eyes full of lust and want. I knew he was right but I still wanted it, pressing myself up against him more “but I want you, I want to do it” my voice a soft whisper now as I looked at him with pleading eyes. Shaking his head, he looked away from me back at the t.v; letting out a sigh I lied back and looked up at the ceiling of his room.

A couple minutes passed as I lied there, that’s when I decided I was not going to hold back, turning on my side I pressed my mouth to his ear “I want to be one with you” I whispered, and it was true I had been with him for longer then a year and I loved him with all my heart and I knew he loved me. Turning his head he looked at me again “I don’t have a condom”. A small smile slithered across my face then as I reached into the front pocked of my jeans and pulled out the square packet “Where did you get that”? His face showed shock and excitement “The store” I muttered, rolling my eyes at him in a taunting way. Before he could say anything else my hand was reaching down, my fingers rubbing him through his jeans. His breath became deep instantly, he was not as hard as he was before but that quickly changed as I rubbing and teased his cock through his jeans. My fingers were now on his button undoing it, moving to his zipper. My hand was now sliding into his pants, into his boxers to grip his now hard dick. A small grunt escaping him as I tightened my grip around the shaft. His eyes were on me again as I slowly moved my hand up and down his penis “Are you sure Mikenzie”? Him saying my name shot currents of heat up my spine; I nodded my head as I continued jerking his dick. I could feel myself becoming wet between my legs from just touching him. His breath was hot of my neck as he leaned in, kissing a hot trail down the skin of my neck to my collar bone.

Before I realized what he was doing his was on top of me, his body pressing down on mine, as he reached under my shirt and began fondling my bare breasts. I still pinched the package of the condom between my trembling fingers and he leaned down and took my nipple into his mouth. The hot wet sensation made me gasp “Robert, I want it” I whispered. He took the condom from me then, ripping it open and quickly sliding it down his cock. Once it was on, his hands had no limits. They were on my breasts, my stomach, my hips, my ass. I could hardly think as his strong sure hands reaching down to undo my jeans. Raising my ass up so he could slide my pants off my hips and down my legs; his fingers were now on the mound of my pussy, parting the lips to find my moist clit; with soft motions he began to rub at it. Soon my whole body was tingling and I couldn’t wait any longer. Reaching up my arms wrapped around his neck pulling him closer to me so I could whisper in his ear “Fuck me Robert”. Pulling my panties down, the head of his cock was now touching the entrance of my vagina; biting down on my bottom lip as I felt his slowly push forward. The feeling of myself opening up ad letting him into me was almost enough to drive me crazy. Soft moans escaped my lips as he continued to push into me; my inner muscles flexing around him welcoming him into me. I could feel his hot breath on my face as his hands found my hips and pulled me the rest of the way onto his cock. The pain was immediate but only last a couple seconds as he moved in and out of my wet hole; I could feel every single inch of him and I could not hold back anymore. Kicking my legs the rest of the way out of my jeans my calves were on him in a second, pulling him deeper into me. His grunts and moans ringing in my ears as he complied and began to fuck me deeper. It did not take me long to cum as he fucked me hard and deep; I could feel his dick thence up every time I came and my muscles squeezed around him. His lips were on mine then kissing me, his tongue pushing past my lips and fingering mine as his thrusts became more demanding. The heat was building in him and I could feel it burning into my pussy until his let out a loud grunt and came, the feeling of the tip of the condom filling inside me, made me smile as I hugged his body to mine with my legs and arms. That’s when he said the thing I had been waiting for “I love you” my heart beat in my chest and I whispered it back and knew I was finally one with him.

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