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Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: girlfriends apartment
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

We barely knew eachother after having been introduced by my sister. I , an 18 year old soldier coming home on leave from europe, with a healthy ,lean body and a written promise of Love , devotion and yes-SEX! Allison was a very nerdy looking 18 year old with thick glasses , freckles and great hips and great chest. If Howdy Doodie had a cute sister with red flaming hair and pale skin then Ali was it.
We pissed everyone off not going to a family gathering , wanting to hunker down and get it on in ali’s little apartment by the airport. We lay down on her mattress without a box spring and talked about everything we were missing out on with me in Turkey 4000 miles away. We listened to the young Beatles until Ali walked out of the bathroom wearing the black jogging bra and panties I spent my nights dreaming about in the lonely barracks. With no glasses the most amazing baby blue eyes stood out in the dark and her main of long red hair fell over me as we kissed on our knees. Her lips tasted great and her chest was heaving. I removed her jogging bra and made my tongue slip down her neck to her chest , licking and genly sucking until the moans of young love echoed througout the tiny basement apartment, broken up by the incoming aircraft at Laguardia. The light snuck in through the tiny windows as she layed down and I removed her panties. I regret having not lubricated her orally enough because as I entered her , she tightened up and I could not penetrate her. Ali’s nerves were on edge and she was afraid it would hurt badly , but with patience I penetrated her a little at a time until I was all the way in , then slowly thrusted in and out. It was frustrating thinking sex would be like zero gravity but I had to be aware of where my knees were and popping out of her happened often. We took rest breaks and kissed then it was another condom until we got it right then it was all night with little shower breaks in between. Ali was too embarrassed to buy condoms, so her little friend we dubbed the condom queen bought them for us. It was very sweet and innocent and satisfying. We were in love for 5 years , 1 year of marriage before Ali decided to move on with a married guy at work. I never got over Ali. She is really all I know when it comes to Love. And to me the first time was all about emotions and trying to be closer intimately with this girl I loved. I feel horrible for all the horror stories on this site. Everyone should have had a great first time experience like me.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience