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Mir8iam, the Miller’s Daughter

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: On the shore of a lake
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 1
Category: Straight

Our lovely queen Guenevere has told me how our great magician Merlin can see hundreds of years into the future and foresee something called Internet with a page for stories of first love experiences. Guenevere said that since she has already told of her first experience with our great king, Arthur, I should tell my story, to show how Arthur has grown more free and easy with, and I blush to use the word, sex.
So I am teling the story to Merlin, since I can neither read nor write, these not being worthy matters for a young maiden to pursue. Merlin will then send my story, as he did Guenevere’s into the future. (Merlin: I shall try for the year 2,000, but may fall a year or two short)
I was picking fennel inhe forest when I came to the little lake within the king’s domain. There I saw two ladies of the court, naked, playing in the water and with each other. I looked longingly at the cool water and one ofthe ladies called “Come on in, the water is fine.”
I slippd off my smock, my only garment, and stepped in. The water was indeed cool and refreshing. As I was splashing about I heard a loud voice cry “What means this frolicking in the king’s lake without permission.
I looked, and theree was Arthur on the bank, and in an instant he stripped off his garb and stood naked so I could see his mighty whang, and the rst of his mighty frame. The two ladies gave laughing screams and I endeavored to hide as much of me under water as I could.
Then arthur swam to one lady, took her up and carried her to the bank where he proceeded to play with her body, her breasts and her nether parts, while she played with his mighty whang. Then he mounted her and thrust that great whang into her pissing hole and went back and forth, in and ut, while she screamed with pleasure. Then they both stopped with great shudders. (I learned later that they had “come.”)
Then Arthur dove back into the lake, seized the other lady, took her to the shore and pleasured himself, and herself, in the same way.
When they finished he looked over at me, where just my face was showing, said, “Who is this young maiden?” and plunged in after me.
He lifted me up to look at me and asked, “Art from the court?”
I said “No, my liege, I am Miriam the Miller’s daughter.”
He roared “A commoner swimming in the king’s lake? This calls fo sever punishment.”
He carried me to the shore and asked, “What now is the penalty for a commoner swimming in the king’s lake. Should we take this fair young body to the castle and give it to the cook to roast over the fire for our dinner”?
I begged “Oh please your majesty, do not roast me and eat me.”
He said “Then how if we toss you into the bear pit and let the bears feast on you?”
He was holding me over his shouldee and I was weeping and then I began peeing in terror, so my water was running down his front and his back. Then Ruth, one of the ladies, said “Oh Arthur, be not so cruel. This maiden does not know you were joking, and see how you have terrified her. Now tell her you are sorry. It takes a great king to admit he was wrong.”
Arthur said, “True, and I am a great king. He turned me in his arms so he was looking in my face and said, “I am sorry I frightened you, sweet maiden, Please forgive me.” And he kissed the tears from my face.
I said “Oh your majesty, it is not for me to forgive you. I ask you to forgive me for swimming in your lake and peeing on your stomach.”
He said “The pee is nothing. A quick dip in the lake will wash it away. But the swimming in the lake does require some punishment. How if I decree that the punishment for swimming in he lake shall be — a good spanking.”
And forthwith he sat down with me over his lap and gave me ten hard spanks on my bare arse.
Then he sat there with me over his lap, fondling my arse and slipping his fingers into my crack. I had begun to feel desire when I saw him pleasuring the ladies and his spanking had fueled that desire and now his hand between my legs made me bold enough to ask, “Is there not ought that your majesty desires?”
He said “And what that might be.”
Ruth said “Oh Arthur, don’t be such a tease. With that girl naked on your lap, her pussy just over your rigid cock and with your hand between her legs, you know well she wants you to fuck her. And it is your duty to do so. Do you not recall the proclamation that any girl in the kingdom who is a virgin and feels it to be a burden may be relieved of that burden by the king. It was issued by your predecessor, Harold the Horniest, and never revoked.”
Then she asked me, “Miriam, the Miller’s daughter, art thou a virgin, and doest find it a burden.”
I said, “Oh yes, my lady, I am and I just found out what a burden it is.”
So Ruth said, “Then your duty is clear, Arthur. Come, Elaine, let us prepare this maiden for her great experience.”
So Arthur laid me down and the two ladies applied their lips and their tongues and their fingers to my mouth and my breasts and my pussy until I was shaking with desire. Then Ruth said, “Now Arthur, do your part.”
And he did. He placed that great whang, which was awesome in its size and hardness, into the lips of my pussy and then gently pushed so it went in a little bit. Then a little bit more, and a litle bit more until he came to my maidenhead and with a great shove he broke it. I cried out with the pain, then said, “Oh thank you, your majesty, for relieving me of the burden of virginity.”
Then, and I must use the term although I am blushing crimson saying it, we fucked. We fucked and fucked and fucked, and I had what the ladies told me were orgasms, wonderful orgasms, until finally Arthur said NOW, and sent great spuart of his love juices into my body, while I quivered with one last great orgasm.
And so our great king fulfilled his duty, and left me the happiest Miller’s daughter in all of Camelot.
(Merlin here: I should add that I have given Arthur a potion which will prevent his making pregnant any of the women he has sex with. When he and Guenevere desire children, I have another potion to counter it.)

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