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Age when it happend: 23
Where it happened: Bathurst, Australia
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 2
Category: Straight

Hi All, at last I have had my first time and 2ad time so I’m here to tell my story and what happen when I met a girl I know over the net for real.
HereÆs my story and be wared itÆs a long one so I will tell it in two parts…
On Sunday the 7th of October I went from Sydney to Bathurst to met Misses(Not her real name) and spent 7 days with her, when I first met Misses that day she turned out not to be what I thought to be when it came to looks, but as
time went on and we got to know each other more It really was the same funny and fun girl I had gotten to know on-line and over the phone.
And that also in her own way she was and is pretty and attractive in her own way.
We had lots of fun we had good time getting to know each other despite the fact that she was busy a lot of the time I was there for she had two jobs and Uni to do, then Thursday moning something happened that changed everything for
me in good ways and bad.
But this part of the story really started on Wednesday night when she went off to work that night she said I could sleep in her bed since my legs were too long for the other bed.
So that night I went to sleep in her bed, I guess that I may have hoped something would happen when she got home, but I did not expect anything to because she had said she did not want a relationship the day after I got there.
When Misses got back around 7:00am in the monthing, we both slept for a while, but eventualy one thing led to another and I had my first time with Misses on the 11th of October 1999.
I guess it all start when I get up close to Misses so we could both br nice a warm, she tured in her sleep and her hand touched my undes makeing my dick get big.
At the time I thought nothing much of it, just something that she did in her sleep, but it did make me want to have something happen even more for now I was horny.
I put my hand in hers and whan she turn again my hand want over her shoulder with hers so now I was up cloes to Misses and I could see the back of her ear that I just had to feel with my other hand, then she moved the hand she was hold
down to her breast.
So I started to paly with her breast thought her shirt, then her hand started palying with my dick thought my undes.
I take my hand off her breast and pulled my undes down a bit so she could touch my dick for real, and then I put my hand back on her beast, but this time I want under her shirt.
Next Imoved her knickers down and started moveing in even closer and for the time since getting in to bed she said something…
ôWant!ö Misses said as she got a condon off a side top and started opening it, as she ture around to me I asked her…
ôAre you sure you want to do this?ö
ôYesö she said and for the first time we kissed and I said…
ôI love you!ö and I think she it too…
Misses tryed to put the condon on my dick, but by dick was just too big for it so I want and got one out of my back-pick that she could fit on me.
We kissed again and I pulled off her shirt and then my shirt so now we both had nothing on, she started kissing my chest.
I moved on top of her and kissed her beasts and with her help I get my dick into her wet cunt and starting fucking her like mad, but I could not came.
I donÆt know way, mayby becouse it was my frist time or maybe it would have been better if she was on top, anyway I keep on fucking and unite I could fuck nomore.
I rested next to her for a bit and then asked her if she want to suck me off or try at it again since I had not came.
ôI got a batter ideaö said Misses as she got up, fist to go to the barthroom and then to get some massage oil.
She take the condon off and put the oil on my dick, then she started wanking me off.
Misses as me to she her how I like it and after I did she take over and give me one hell of a wank off that had me cameing like mad!!
Well that’s the end of part 1, what did you all think of it?
Wirte me soon at: and IÆll put up part 2 whan itÆs ready see you on the Net…
C.A. Luke 6/12/99

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