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Missy N Mark

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: Hotel
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

It all happend on a saturday when my bf(mark)came to meet me and my friends and us meet his cuzins. Um at first we were a lil shy… We all went to the store to get some vodka then we came back to my place and um deicide to go back to their hotel…but like my mom was being a brat…and i told her we were going to the movies instead. Little did she kno we were going to the hotel…ne wayz marks cuzins left for a lil and while they were gone for like a lil bit…Um my bf n i were starting to get more comfy around eachother and like i layed on muh bed next to him and like we kinda started to kiss but he was in some awarkd postions to kiss…but we gave eachothers a peck..hehe anywayz..his cuz jonny came n got muh bf n my girls n i then we went to the hotel…when we got there… it was kinda werid..heh…but like thats why i had my girls there, ne wayz um… after a few min..we all strated to drink a lil bit…then like a few mintues muh bf and i started making out on the bed.. and like his cuzin threw a blanket ova us and like then he took his sweater off and were jus making out for a lil while and touchin eachother.. after i started to get comfy i un did his belt..and like i put muh hand in his pocket and started to um rub his titanic(dick).. and like he was rubbin muh body and like grabbin muh ass….then like we stoped for a lil while…then like as soon as everyone left us in the hotel room alone..it was on!! hehehe… and like we were back on the bed…and like we started kissing eacthother and we took eachothers shirts off and i gots on top of him and started kissin his tummy and suckin on his nipples and then like he got on top and like was kissin me and kissin all the way…and unbuttoned my pants and pulled them down a lil…then i pulled him back up and we were kissing again and then like he got on his side and i kept pulling his pants down…and i kept puttin my hand down his pants…newayz he asked me if i wanted to make love n i said yes…then like ya..he put his titanic in me and OMG it hurt but like felt good at the same time…we kept on going for like umm a lil while till it hurt me 2 damn much…haha wellz thats all folks…sorry if it sounds a lil messed up…. heh…i’m druged up rite now.. so ya…

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