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Mom…I really can’t talk on the phone right now!!

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: mutual friend's guestroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 8
Category: Straight

I’ll never forget my first time–it was pleasurable, somewhat funny, and a good lesson! It all started when I was at our school’s homecoming game and I was sitting with my friends. A guy I didn’t know came up to talk to my friend “Mike” and “Mike” introduced us. His name was “Ed”, and he was a reeeeeally hot Junior. We talked for awhile, and when the game ended a whole group of us went to the dance that was schedualed after. We had an awesome time, and Ed called me the next morning asking if I would go out with him. Of course I said yes, and we dated for about a month before it happened.
There was a party going on after school one day at our friend Bob’s house, and everyone was there. Surprisingly neither my boyfriend nor I was drunk when we locked ourselves in Bob’s room and started to make out. I took off my clothes and layed down on the bed with just my panties on as Ed kissed me so softly, sucking on my neck and licking my nipples until he was kissing my stomach. He was still dressed, but I coul see and feel his hard cock pressing against his jeans. I sat up and slip off the bed, and pulled him to me, telling him to kneel on the bed. I unbuttoned his pants and slipped his dick through the slit in his boxers and nursed on his manhood for awhile. Just as he was really getting into it, the phone rang and someone yelled “Ed, your mom’s on the phone!” He apologized and ran out of the room holding his cock in one hand and he phone in the other saying rather harshly, “Mom, I reeeally can’t talk right now!” Before he came back in, one of his friends walked in on my half naked and I screamed bloody murder, and got upset. I was dressed when Ed came back in, but he kissed me and said he was sorry about a million times. By then I was really starting to get horny so we left Bob’s room and went into the guest room, making sure to lock the door. As we kissed we both stripped naked and I layed down on the futon and spread my thighs wide for him. He caressed me softly, looking over my body. He pressed up against me and tried to enter, but didn’t quite succeed. he asked, “Is it in?” and I just laughed and said no. We were both virgins, but naturally I’m a more dominant person and like to be in control so I got up and motioned for him to sit on the futon. I straddled him and he really like that because I felt his cock grow even harder against my thigh. He suckled on my tits as I grasped his cock with my hand with one hand and slid him into me, holding onto the back of the futon with my other for support. I rode him slowly, rolling my hips and feeling his cock grind against the walls of my pussy. I was relaly tight, but it didn’t hurt at all. I was loving it, and I was so wet my juices were running down over his balls. He loved this, and it only made him grow harder inside me. He fondled my tits and grunted with eavh gyration of my hips and I moaned louder the closer I came to climaxing. I came really ahrd, but he hadn’t yet so he said “Don’t stop what you’re doing…”I bounced on him, and I felt him cum even though he was wearing a condom. Then I looked down and tehre was cum on his stomach, and more dripping out of me. He had cum so hard the condom broke. He licked all the cum off of my swollen pussy lips, but I was soon frantic because I didn’t want to get pregnant. I got dressed and went to the door and I heard giggling. I opened it, and three guys jumped backwards with surprised looks on their faces. One laughed hysterically and exclaimed “We saw all of it! Phil jimmied the lock!!” and ran away. I was furious, and went to the bathroom to clean up. Ed and I went into the living room and screamed at eachother. He told me that if I was pregnant, I should just get an abortion. I said no way, and made him drive to to the doctor’s office so I could get a prescription for the morning after pill. It turned out that I wasn’t pregnant, but all of his “friends”, the ones that picked the lock and watched us fuck, spread ridiculous rumors around school. Since everyone knows I’m a decent girl, no one believed them, but Ed still became a god in the lockerroom since I wasn’t about to deny that we had sex. Everyone thought Phil was just the funniest guy for picking the lock, even though he got his ass beat by Ed maybe 6 times…Pretty soon I forgot my anger and just laughed at the whole situation…especially seeing Ed run out of Mke’s room holding his dick in his hand…Heehee, remember girls, never have sex at parties!! Choose your partners wisely, use the right size condom, and make sure there’s a deadbolt on the door. Hope you enjoyed reading!

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