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Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: The bed of my truck at the River
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

After graduating, a couple girl friends and I were having a small party at the River for my birthday. A few of our guy friends came out, and we were all having a good time. Late in the night, one of my friends went off to go to sleep, leaving me, my other friend, and four guys. We ended up pairing off, and I was ridiculously excited because for some reason, despite my friend’s Barbie-esque proportions and looks, the two hotter guys there paired with me. For some while the three of us messed around in the back of my truck, each of them taking turns pleasing me, and me trying my best to return the favor to each of them. Eventually the other three came back, saying they were ready to go. My boys had a momentary stare down, and then one hopped out. I was left with the hott, popular former Football captain, on whom I’d had a crush all throughout high school. Yay me! We continued messing around, and eventually he asked if I wanted to go further. I was enjoying myself immensely, and he’d been my dream guy for years. I lost my virginity as the first light of dawn crested the horizon. The throbbing pain deep inside was far from what I expected. After, I looked for some comfort from him, but when he realized that it had been my first time, he was so guilt-ridden that I ended up comforting him. I sat in his lap, holding his head against my shoulder as the morning dew settled and the sun’s first cold rays kissed our backs.

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