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more than just a friend

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: hotel room
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

It was over the summer and my friends decided to have a random hotel party. I really didn’t want to but at the end i agreed. At the time my car was crap so my friend anthony gave me a ride. When we got there, everyone else was already there. we watched movies ate danced it was the perfect party. Well after many hours everyone was sleep( from all that beer and wine coolers)except me and anthony. I decided that i wasn’t going to sleep in that room it smelled of ass and i didn’t want to wake up to someone throwing up all over me( i love them, just not that much) well any way i went down to the front desk and asked for a room and they said i was to young. Well being as dumb as i am i didn’t know you had to be a certain age. So i left and was headed back up stairs when i ran into anthony. It kind of shocked me because he had disapeared for a while,so i asked him where he was.He said in my room. I was so excited because without even thinking i said ” can i stay with you”? He laughed and said sure. So after we got my stuff and i got situated, we talked for a while.( im not gonna lie,i liked him before we became friends but i guess i forced it to the back of my mind so our friendship would work). Well thoes feelings came back and it became hard to look into his eyes. I turned away and i could feel him still looking at me. To break the silence he said ” you can sleep on the bed i got the couch”. I said no but he insisted, we argued about it and without warning… he kissed me. I was shaking at that point. I ran into the bathroom and put hands over my face. I stood in that bathroom for awhile before i was brave enough to come back out and face him. I quickly walked towards the bed to look into my bags ( i laugh about this now because i was going to pretend to look for someting) and he grabbed me. He said “im sorry, but i couldn’t help myself”.I said it was ok. So this time he asked if he could kiss me again. I didn’t wanna say no but i didn’t wanna say yes, so i replied in a grumbled umhmm. He did more than kiss me, he wraped his arms around me so tight. One thing led to another and we ended up on the bed. He took off his clothes and mines. I was shaking to much to take them off myself. he didn’t have a condom on hand,luckily I had recently started taking the pill so i decided we were fine. He climed on top of me and we started kissing and touching and finally he was inside of me. it started off kind of akward but it got much better. He was perfect he didn’t go to fast and he talked me throuh it. after that night i expected it to be akward between us but it wasnt. We started dating and we are still together now.

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