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Movie Theatre

Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: Movie Theatre
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

it started off with me and this really hott guy named Josh. we went out many times, (about 3 or 4 times) and nothing really special ever happened. we would be “in love” and all we would do was make out. then we would have fights all the time, break up, then find out we need eachother. it was our 3rd break up and i wanted to have some fun, without thinking about him, so me and my friends decided to hook up at the local theatre. it turns out my friend Casy decided to invite Josh, as a joke. i was really pissed at her when we met up at the movie theares and he was there, but i decided i wouldnt sit next to him, or talk to him or any thing. i tried to get in the theatre befor everyone so i could sit in the inside, but it turns out Josh followed close behind and he ended up sitting together. the movie started and we didnt talk to look at eachother till about the middle of the movie. he looked at me and said, “you know i still like you” and i just nodded my head and tried to act like a bitch. then he moved over and kissed my cheek before i could do anything. he seemed sincere so i let him move to my lips and we started making out. it got really uncomfortable sitting in those old theatre seats so we decided to leave the theatre and go to the restroom. we knew we wouldnt get cought or ne thing because the theatre was mostly deserted and everyone was in there movie. there was really no place to sit, so we dicided to sit on the sink counter as we started making out once more. after about ten minutes of making out with my x, he started to move his hands under my mini skirt and started fingering me. it felt good so i didnt back away and i just continued kissing him. i was not feeling myself, so i while i was kissing him i unbuttoned his pants and started to suck his dick. that got him hard, and by then we both had the same idea. we looked at eachother and he said “should we” of course we both knew what that meant so i just nodded my head and then we started taking eachothers clothes off. i was still a virgin but i was ready. he put on his condom and stuck it right in me before i knew it. it hurt at first but then the pain subsided and i started to enjory it. alot. i moaned uncontrolably as he started goin up and down. it felt so good i wanted him to do it faster and he did. it only lasted a few minutes but it was well worth it. we realized that the movie was almost over and we didnt want our friends to suspect ne thing, so we put on our clothes and made out a little more, then went back to the movie theatre and acted like we were mad at eachother so our friends didnt think we were getting it on. after the movie, we walked into another movie theatre (which was deserted) and told eachother that we would keep it a secrete and go out.. once more.) our relationship was going strong and we even started making out in the hallways. a couple days later, i found out he told his friends about us having sex and everyone thought i was a slut. after school one day, i took him out to the bleachers to tell him that i knew, but he regreted the whole thing and blamed it on my friend being suspisious at the movies. i didnt really beleive him, but he was being so sweet lately so i just nodded and we made out and almost decided to have sex again. no, we didnt, but we made out for a long time after that and forgave eachother once again. things were going strong for the next couple of weeks and i had been the happiest i had been in a while. this kid in one of my classes was having an end of the yar party and invited mostly everyone in our school. i arrived late at the party, and when i got there i started asking everyone if they have seen Josh around ne where. they all said he had arrived, but they didnt know where he was. i was sort of mad that he didnt even call me or wait for me, so i started looking everywhere. i started to go upstairs looking in all the rooms. sure enough, he was on the bed, with my bff, having sex! i could understand making out.. but seriously, how much of a jerk can you get having sex with ur gf’s bff after they just had sex! i was devistated and started to walk out the door. he got off the bed and started to apoligize, but of course, i ignored him. i felt really bad after that, because he was my first, but to get back at him for all the times he hurt me, i had sex with his best friend during the summer at his house. his friend was really hot, so i didnt feel ashamed or ne thing. (and it didnt hurt as bad the second time) but i just regreted having sex with Josh because he hurt me so many times before that. Josh and his bf are no longer best friends, and me and his friend (Jacob) are going out, and have been going out for the past year in a half and we have had sex once again. Hes really special, and i would have never thought i would have ended up wit my x’s best friend. well, i guess i did have a happy ending, but i had to go through alot to get there.

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