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Mrs. Turner (Carol)

Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: Room in Rooming House
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

This happened many years ago, in the 1950s when I was 19. I had finished my first year in college at the University of Michigan, and got a Summer job with the Michigan State Highway Department, on one of their Survey Crews, making maps by which to widen roads and highways, or make new one. Anyway,in this job you had to stay in the town where you were working, and our first job was in a little town called Charlotte. I found a room in a home that was owned by the local police chief and his wife — Mr. & Mrs. Turner. I stayed there, usually Sunday evening through Friday afternoon, and then I’d go home over the weekend. It was a small room, with a single bed, dresser, an easy chair to sit in, and it had a small TV and a radio. I also had use of the upstairs bathroom.

Usually, our Survey Crew would knock off work about 5:00 P.M., and then I’d go back to my room at the Turner home and take a shower and rest until dinner time, when I’d go to a local restaurant and eat my supper ()sometimes with another crew member).If there wasn’t a good movie on in town (they only changed them once a week in those days), I’d go back to my room after supper and sit and read or watch TV until it was time for bed, around 9:00 P.M.

Mr. Turner, the Police Chief was a guy about 50, but his wife was much younger — no more than 30 at best. At first I thought she was his daughter, but it was clear that they were married. They had no children — at least none in the house that I ever saw.

After my first week there, Mrs. Turner started to bring little treats up to my room at night — like a dish of ice cream or some fruit, like a slice of cantalope, a dish of sliced peaches, some grapes, or sometimes just a glass of juice or milk. I thought it was a real nice gesture on her part, sort of motherly. Anyway, this continued during my first month there. Then, one evening she came up with a dish of raspberries and a glass of milk. I was sitting in my chair, wearing my bathrobe, reading a novel that I had recently purchased. She came in and sat the berries and milk on the little side table, and then, instead of leaving, she went over and sat on the bed, and struck up a conversation, asking me about college and whether I had any girl friends, and things of this nature. As I said, Mrs. Turner (her first name was Carol), was no more than 30, I guessed, and very nice looking and well built.Usually when she brought these treats up in the evening, she had a dress or slacks and blouse on, but on this particular evening, she, too, was wearing a house coat or bathrobe. After awhile, she told me that her husband (Nick) was working that night and would be quite late. Then,after some further conversation, she came on to me pretty strong, to the point where she opened her bathrobe and, lo and behold, she had nothing on underneath it. I got quite a view — really the first time — of a beautiful naked woman. She told me to take off my robe, which I was hesitant to do, because, even though it was obvious she wanted me real badly, I didn’t know that I should be having sex with the wife of the town’s police chief. She assured me, however that it would be O.K. When I told her I had no condom (we called them rubbers of “safes” in those days), she told me that it wasn’t necessary because she used protection herself (which I took to mean that she was on the pill), and so, I finally gave in to her (it didn’t take much to persuade me), and we both got on the bed, and we were soon fucking like mad. I had laid a couple of college girls already, but it had never been anything like this.Mrs. Turner(she told me not to call her that, but to call her Carol), knew all there was to know about making love, and that night showed me everything she knew. Not only that, but she kept telling me what a great body I had and what a great cock I had. Working every day, out in the sun, on the Survey Crew, did keep me pretty fit and trim, I must admit, but it was nice to be told how great I felt inside her. I came and came with every stroke, and the feeling was absolutely heavenly. We must have fucked for a couple hours that night.

Well, we didn’t do it every night. The Chief (Nick) was home many nights, so sometimes she’d just come up with her little treat and grab my balls or cock, briefly, and leave, and go back downstairs. But, that Summer, I must have fucked her at least 15 or 20 times in my bed (or sometimes just standing up or in my chair)that Summer. It was wonderful. I’ve never in my life had better sex.

I never had a job like that again, and I went on to complete college, and later get married and have children and become a grandfather. But, I have never forgotten Mrs. Turner (Carol) and the great sex we had back in the 50s.

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