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MuRR@y…almost got away with it

Age when it happend: 12
Where it happened: his brothers bed
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

well, i have this friend named jazzmyn…i lived right down the street from her and we went to school together so i knew her and her famiy very well. i had a crush on her brother who is 3 years older then me and i was 15 at the time. everytime i would spend the night there, me, her brother, her, and her brothers friend would play truth or dare…i would never choose truth…just because im not scared to take what comes at me. since me and her brother got to know each other ver well, we decided to go out…i was always shy to do anything with him…but one day, his parents were gone and the only people in the house were me him and jazzmym…so we shut the door, and before i could sit down he was making out with me…i fell on the first thing i could find which happened to be his brothers bed. we had sex for at least 3 hours…it was amazing and i didnt want stop…but then jazzmyn came to the door and said her parents had just pulled up the drive way. now im thinking holy shit we’re dead…we hurried and got on our close…and just as we ran to the couch in the living room, his dad was like why are you guys breathing so heavy? we told him that we were cleaning up the house before the walked in to surprise them…we got away with it becasue jazzmyn was cleaning the house while we were doing the nasty. my mom came to pick me up, and i thought i was home free…just whn his dad was like so brittany, i hope you call my son because it’s useally only guys who do the wam, bam, thenk you mam kinda thing…i was so embarrested…

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