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Muslim Girl

Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: Dorm Room
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

She was an exchange student from Saudi Arabia by the name of Aaliyah. She was 19 and Muslim by faith. She was in two of my college classes, and we got to know each other quite well. She always wore a burka and a lot of outer clothing, in the style of her country, but her face was very pretty. I wondered and wondered what was beneath all those clothes.She was nice and slim so I figured it was pretty wonderful.

At first she would never let me into her dorm room; that was strictly taboo for unmarried woman to be alone with a man without an escort or some other person in the room. But the more we got to know each other, the more she trusted me. And I learned she was quite progressive in her views about woman and woman’s rights. And her views about sex were pretty progressive, too.

8 months after we met, she invited me into her room one evening,after we had taken in a movie and had something to eat afterwards.It had been a love story, with a lot of explicit sexual scenes.

That evening, in her room, we embraced and kissed, and her burka soon disappeared, then,as her hair tumbled in back of her, I began to unravel some of those outer clothes, as she slowly undressed me. It wasn’t long before we were standing there, facing each other — her in her bra and panties and me in my jockey shorts. We laid on her bed and kissed. A few minutes later, we were completely naked, and I was fucking this beautiful Muslim girl! I had fucked two other girls before, but this was really something special. In her own country she could have been stoned to death for fornicating with a man like me, but here she was giving herself so willingly to me, and she was absolutely loving it.

She was a virgin, of course, and I did use protection — a thin,lubricated condom that made me feel like there was nothing between us. I came inside her at least 4 times, and she screamed in delight as she orgasamed several times.

I stayed the night and before I left in the morning, we fucked again.

We were together for three years. She would return home for Summer breaks, but would return each fall and we would resume our lovemaking — first, several times a month, and then 2 or 3 times a week.It was wonderful.

She is back home now, but we stay in touch, by phone and Email. She is concerned about what could happen to her if her parents or brothers learned that she was no longer a virgin. So, she would like to return to the U.S. soon.

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