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My Baby

Age when it happend: 12
Where it happened: Moms bed
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

I am Rebecca. I live in Brooklyn New York.I almost had sex yesterday(June,4,2007) with my ex-boyfriend but we go out now.We broke up because he moved to Georgia but he came bak to Brooklyn for vaction.Well i broke my foot in April and had been home ever since. The night that he arrived i was outside on my steps with my twin sis.Then he came to my gate and sed hi. It was nice to see him because i hadnt seen him since(Feburary)spring vaction.So we talked for a while and he complimented me but made me embarssed wen he sed that i had nice toes. When it was almost 12pm he asked if he cud come over on monday(this was saturday). I sed yes because i still had feelings for him and i knew he still had feelings for me. The night and the night after were horrible.My hormones took over just thinking about wat cud happen, and i hardly got any sleep. I fingered myself the first night but was to tired the next night. Then it was finally Monday. I woke up at 6am in anticipation and got dressed into my best clothes and put on my most expensive perfume. Wen i finished getting ready it was only 9am so the wait was excrutiating. Finally it was 12pm. I knew he wudnt arrive on time to i waited and he came at 12:10. He had brought his cousins(2) because it was a half-day that day for all skools. Soon my twin sis came home too. We all sat in my room for a while and got sort of bored and then my sis suggested we play truth or dare. We all agreed to play. So my sis went first and was dared to dub or grind my ex’s cousin.We went in my moms room because they didnt want us to see but there was a glass pane on my moms bedroom door that we cud see through. My ex and his other cousin watched but i didnt.Then they dared me and my ex to french kiss.When they dared him to do this i was so excited becuz wen we went out we had never kissed.We were sitting on my bed and then he laid on top of me and we frenched. Wen we stopped i was so horny i cudnt even think straight.After a while they dared us again. The dare him to rub his face in my tits. they left the room and he did it twice. Then we started to french. Then my sis and his cuzins told us to stop. We did in fairness of the game.The wen my sis had a dare me and my ex went into my moms room and began to french again. I went on top of him and then he rolled me over and got on top of me.Then his cuzin came in and saw us. Then he sed that we cud do wat we had to and end the game.Me and my ex, Darnell, then moved to the middle of my moms bed and started kissing. He then started to move his hand up my shirt. Then i told him no being concious of my breasts. Even though he told me they were big i didnt think so, so i pushed his hand out. Hearing this he then moved his hand down to my pussy and started rubbing it through my jeans.Then he put his hand arond me and started humping me. It felt so gud. Now he’s 15 and he had already had sex before but i was 12 and had never even been touched by a boy on my pussy.Then we kissed for a while more.Then he asked if it was alright to turn of the lights and i sed sure.Then he came bak on the bed and started kissing me again. Then he started to lift my shirt. I hesitated wen he sed he wanted to see my tits but then i let him see. He then began caressing my 32B tits and then started suking them. IT felt so gud. He then stopped and sed he knew wat he was doing. Then he started suking again and then stopped and sed my tits was bigger than he thought. I felt so gud that he didnt think my tit was small. then some how we got to the egde of the bed. We stopped kissing and luked in each others eyes.then he moved to the middle of the bed again and me feeling real horny grabbed his dick which was still in his pants.He then laughed and sed all i had to do was ask. So he got up and pulled down his pants and pulled his dick out of his boxers to reveal his hard dick. i expected it to be bigger but i luved it. I took it in my hands and started to give him a hand job. I was probably doing it wrong because he started telling that i had to get a gud grip and do it faster. I did this for about 5 minutes and then he started to unzip my pants. He tried to undo my belt but he cudnt get it so i undid my belt and my jeans and tried to take them down but it was really tight on me. So he helped me pull them down and we got them off.Then he asked me had i ever got finger popped. I sed no but this was a lie. I was too embarassed to tell him i had fingered myself many times before.So instead of fingering me he just caressed my clit. I was so wet.After 10 minutes of playing with each other i laid on top of him at his request and i felt his already hard dick get harder on my stomach. Then we laid side by side kissing each other. then i laid my head on his chest and he whispered in my ear, “Your tempting me, ur tempting me” i smiled and sed umm hmm. He asked me do i want to do it. I didnt answer him for a while so he sed, “It might hurt a little at first but then its gonna feel better and i got protection”. I knew he had protection becuz it had slipped out of his pocket earlier but i then sed no. He sed it was ok becuz he knew i was still a virgin and evrything.I respected him even more becuz of his response. So we continued for a while longer and then he asked me if i wanted to see him cum in the condom. i sed yes but then my twin sis knocked ont the door and we pulled on our clothes quickly. we then sat on the bed talking and then i told him he cud come over on wednesday(tomoro june6,2007). Tomoro im gonna be ready for him and itll be wonderfull cuz i luv him and he luvs me.Ill update u wen it happens.

About Me:
Im a Twin
I live in Brooklyn new york
Im african-american or black
i liv in da ghetto
My bf is Darnell
hes 15
Lives in georgia but here for vaction
His dick is gorgeous.lol

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