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My Best Friend

Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: His Room
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 4
Category: Straight

(No ones actual name was used in this story)

When I was 15 I moved to a different school. When I went into my first class, the teacher motioned for me to take the empty seat in the back of the room. I looked over to the guy sitting next to me and halfly smiled. He had long black hair and was wearing a Motley Crue tshirt. I was wearing my favorite Kiss tshirt. He started a conversation, and we had a lot in common. From that day on he was my best friend. He was over at my house every day, or I was over at his. My parents considered him one of the family.

Shortly after I turned 18 my father died. *Nathan stayed with me and my family for several weeks. On countless nights he would hold me while I cried, an on occasion would cry with me. I knew I couldnt have made it without him.

A couple of months later, we had been hanging out all day. He left to go home, and I was sitting on the couch watching TV. He called an hour or so later asking if I wanted to stay over with him. I gladly said I would, grabbed my things, and then walked to his house, which was less than a block away.

We did our usual stuff, talked, played video games, watched movies, listend to music, etc. We were laying in his bed watching a movie and he randomly looked at me. He asked me if he had ever told me how gorgeous I was. When I told him he hadnt, he replied with a simple “well you are…” I was shocked. He was a very good looking guy, and I had quite the crush on him. Several minutes later he looked over at me and told me he had been in love with me since the moment he saw me. I admitted to being in love with him too. He scooted over to me, and we kissed very passionatley for over an hour, then went to sleep.

Several months later I once again went over to stay at his house. We had never gone past kissing and occasionally touching each other. We were once again watching one of our favorite movies when we started making out. We kissed for what felt like forever, when he got on top of me. We continued to kiss for a while, then he pulled his shirt off. He slowly pulled off my shirt and we kissed more. He took off his pants and lay on top of me in his boxers. I slowly took off my pants, and gently pulled his long hair and ran my hands down his sides, he moaned whenever I did this. He pulled off his boxers and I pulled off my underwear. I gently stroked him, tightening my grip after a while. His fingers gently rubbed my clit, then slipped inside of me. He was slow and gentle, but got faster and rougher. When I almost reached an orgasm he stopped, in between kisses he asked if I wanted to go all the way, and I told him I did.

He reached over and grabbed a condom, then put it on. He slowly and gently pushed himself inside of me. I will admit it hurt pretty bad at first, but he moved very slow and was very gentle. After a few minutes the pain stopped and it felt really good. He progressivly got faster and harder, I started to feel this amazing feeling well up inside of me, he sensed this and slammed in and out of me as fast and hard as he could. We both came at the same time. After a minute or so he pulled out of me, took the condom off, and we went to sleep. The rest is history.

We are now married and have one child.
And I will never forget that night as long as I live.

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