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My best friends mom

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: Best friends house
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I had always went to my best friends house, and I always loved his mom. She was really nice. She always made me and him sandwiches. Washed my clothes when I was there, and was really nice. My friend said she was a bitch to him, but I disagreed. One day when my friend took me to his house after football practice no one was there but me and him. We were really good friends. We both went to sleep, because we were so tired. I woke up to pee, and I was in their extra room, which was being used for storage. I like to sleep with no pants or shirt, and so does my friend. I was out of it. I got up and went to the restroom, and then I noticed the kitchen lights were on, so I went to turn them off. Then I saw the back door was open so I went to get my friend, but before I got to him I heard his mom yelling who the fuck are you. At this point she could only see me with no shirt or pants walking. I said it’s me nick, and I wasn’t trying to turn around because I had an erection. I usually have an erection when I wake up. She then said what are you doing here. I said your son just brought me home with him from practice. She said ok. She said can you come help me, I said let me put on my clothes. Then I went out the door to the garage. I helped her bring in groceries and put them away. While we were putting them away she bent down right in front of me. I got the biggest erection. So now I’m trying to hide it, but she notices. She asks me what’s wrong and I say nothing. When we got done with that she went to take a shower, so I went to make sure my friend was still asleep, and he was. I then waited across the hall from the bathroom in the room I was sleeping waiting for her. I told her I had some dirty clothes and she said she would take care of them. I said it’s the ones I have on, and she said that’s ok give them to me. So I did. So at this point I had a blanket rapped around me, and an erection, while bringing her my clothes. I gave them to her, but when I did my blanket fell. All I had on was the underwear. She said don’t be embarresed. But I really was. I went back upstairs, and waited at the kitchen counter with the blanket. When she came back up she asked if I wanted a sandwich and I ate one. I was really hard now. She had on this tight shirt, and shorts. Really sexy. Then I went in her room, and asked her if I could stay with her cause I had a “headache”. She said sure and gave me some medicine. I watched a show in there with her. She was divorced, so she didn’t mind. After a while I went back down stairs, and woke my friend up. I told him he left something at school even though he really didn’t. He lives about 40 minutes away from school. When he left it was just me and his mom. I told his mom that she was a really nice person. Then I thanked her for all she has ever done for me. Then I said something I will never regret. I said your really hot. She then said I’ve always liked you nick. I had an erection like no other, accept this time my dock was straight up and showing. She grabbed it , and started rubbing it. I went in it my friends room and grabbed a condom just in case. I went back to her in the living room. She was sitting there rubbing her tits. I said uhm what is going on. She said I think you know. So I took off her shirt and started moated boating her tits. She kept grabbing my penis. I then grabbed her shorts and took them off. Soon after she started sucking my penis. Omg it felt so good. I then put the condom on and put it into her vagina. She kept screaming and shouting. I cummed, and we just say there really tired. She kept sucking, and I said he’s going to be back, but she didn’t care. She was rally thirsty. I let her suck some more. Then we heard his truck pull up, so she went into her room, and I went to the restroom to clean up. I now have a good relationship with his mom. He is mad at me still because he found out the second time I had sex with her. I don’t care. It was worth it. She is still divorced and single. I go over there every once in awhile to get a blowjob, and love on her. I will never forget the time I fujced my best friends mom.

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